The man shouted as he threw his hand forward, the creature turned into smoke just as a wave of flame washed over where he had been. The man swore, and looked at the woman nudging her, "Come on, we need to go, we'll leave him here."

The woman nodded as her sword fell out of her hand, she grabbed her head as if she was in pain, "Y-yeah...(F/N)...I-I don't..."

(F/N) caught her just as she fell, the woman's eyes rolled up into her head, collpasing from exhaustion, "Ciri! Ciri! Wake up. Fuck."

The man turned to the two guards, they had their shields raised, they were cowering slightly, "Help me! I need help!"

Alexios turned to Evan, the pair hadn't been trained for this, but they knew what to do.


(F/N) sighed as the guards finished chaining him to the wall of the dungeon, that's what they had ended up doing. The witcher sighed as he sat down on the filthy floor, with his arms bound above him. He made sure to spit at the guards before they left, leaving him in the dark, without his weapons, armor, and his belt. More guards had taken Ciri the second they had walked into the fortress. He was too tired to fight them. He was too tired to turn into mist and phase out of these chains. His head was still swirling from the absolute mind fuck that he had endured not more than an hour ago.

He sighed as he looked around. He was sitting in a dungeon, chained to the wall, almost nude, with other men that were screaming and crying with Ciri almost certainly dying. He was struggling to imagine how it could get much worse.

The witcher sighed as he thought back to how this had all began. The witcher clenched his fists, "Fucking Geralt," he muttered, as he thought back to how this had all started those couple days ago.


The dark swamp looked dead, the grass was grey, the trees were withered, there was no sign of activity from anything, except a small deer that was eating some of the moss from a tree. The small lake that was surrounded by  mud was silent, except for the occasional bubble. The swamp looked lifeless aside from the occasional animal, once in awhile an owl would hoot, or a frog would croak. It was rather boring.

Until a series of bubbles erupted from the murky water, the deer jumped in shock. The bubbles started off small, but they continued, growing in intensity. The small animal slowly came closer, its curiosity got the better of it. The deer slowly bent its head forward to drink from the lake, before the water exploded. Splashing everything nearby. A gigantic creature with spider like legs emerged seemingly out of nowhere. It swung at the deer with one of its gigantic appendages while screeching loudly. The deer scampered off, as the creature let out another scream as it's arm was sliced off by the man it was holding.

(F/N) splashed to the ground, he was gasping for breath, the creature had caught him off guard and nearly drowned him. He growled angrily as he pirouetted and hacked at another one of the creatures legs. The witcher's wolf medallion was tugging on its chain like mad as he fought the monster. His silver blade whistled through the air as he went for another leg. The kikimora howled as it splashed through the water, desperate to kill the thing that was trying to kill it. Thrusting it's long sharp legs at him like they were large spears.

(F/N) let out a yell as he narrowly dodged each of the beasts attacks. It's white lifeless eyes were glaring back at him with pure rage, it snapped its sharp fangs as it bit at him. The witcher panted as he cut at the beasts leg, pissing it off more. The kikimora howled as it finally landed a blow sending him flying. It's leg slammed down on top of him as it tried to drown him yet again. The witcher blocked it, but the monster was ready, it slammed it's leg into his chest. The wind was knocked from his lungs as he was pushed deeper and deeper into the murky water. The kikimora howled happily, as it held the witcher down, and tried to stomp on him with its legs.

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