Peter decided to pat him on the back. "It's not your fault, Wade. I'm just stressed. Can I at least think about it?"

Wade wiped his tears. "Ok." he paused. "Can you stay a little longer?"

Peter hummed. "I guess, but I have to leave after lunch."

Wade huffed and hugged Peter. They laid down on the couch and snuggled.

The time had come and Peter hesitated. He sat up, but Wade hadn't let go.

"Wade?" Peter mumbled, sleepy from the cuddles. "I have to go now."

Wade whined. "Fine, but you owe me."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Right."

Wade gritted his teeth.

Peter had noticed his tension so he grabbed his stuff and rushed out the door.

Pete slightly relaxed, when he exited the building. He was worried about Wade. This wasn't normal.


Peter had thought and thought all work day. He got yelled at one time by his boss. Wade was as always blowing his phone up with messages.

Peter had to shut his phone all the way off. Even though it was silenced.

Peter had walked home and answered Wade's text. He blew it off as normal.

Wade totally ignored the fact he sent multiple death threats. He just sent a nice 'how was your day :)?'

Peter sighed. He really knew it wasn't normal. Peter had to sit down and talk with him and someone else. He needed to help Wade.

Peter thought of who to call. Tony would probably over react, so would Nat. Maybe Bucky. Steve was pretty good at listening.

Peter decided to call Steve and maybe one of Wade's friends. If he had any.

Peter smiled at the thought, but it was actually quite sad.

Peter walked to a park bench and listened to the phone ring. It told him to leave a message. He sighed and pushed the 'leave a message' button.

"Hey Steve, it's Peter. I need some-erm relationship advice. It's nothing to worry about, hopefully. Call me back." Peter stopped recording and put his phone away.

"Who was that?" A voice called behind Peter. Peter jumped and turned around. It was just Wade.

"Oh my god, Wade! You scared the shit out of me!" Peter clutched his chest. Why did Wade follow him?

Wade arched an eyebrow. "Well, who was it?"

Peter thought of a lie. "Just Steve. He was checking to see if I looked over a formula for Tony. Sciency things." Peter smiled. He was very good at lying. He'd hidden he was Spider-Man from everyone he knew.

Wade relaxed. Which made Peter relax.

He walked up to Peter and rubbed his shoulders. "You tense?"

Peter mumbled. "Yeah. Work was slow today. Boss was extra nosy."

Wade pulled Peter in for a hug. "Mmmm sorry. It's probably my fault."

"No, no, no, Wade. It isn't. Boss is always like that. I enjoy your texts." Peter was just digging himself deeper. He couldn't help it. It was hard to say no to Wade.

"Whatever you say, Petey." Wade dragged Peter along, his arm around his shoulder.

"Sooo, have you thought about it?" Wade asked, as they walked through the busy sidewalks.

"Kind of. I guess I don't really need parents permission huh?" Peter joked.

Wade chuckled lightly. "No. You don't."

"Then it wouldn't hurt to."

Wade kissed Peter's head.

"As long, as we agree to split rent." Peter tested the water works.

"Ughhhhh why? I'm making it easy for you." Wade sighed.

"I don't want you to use your money on everything, Wade. At least let me help with the rent. Please?"

Wade continued walking, and Peter had thought Wade was ignoring the question.

"Fine." He finally answered.

Peter smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "See? That wasn't so hard."

Wade scoffed and tightened his arm around Peter.


They made it to Peter's apartment building. "I can help you move out?" Wade suggested.

"Sure!" Peter agreed. "But not until this weekend, ok? It's easier when I don't have work."

Wade sighed again. Peter felt bad. "Unless it's okay with-"

"No, no. It's ok I guess." Wade blankly answered.

They walked through the front doors and up the stairs. Peter stopped outside of his door.

"Thanks for walking me home!" Peter kissed Wade's cheek.

Wade smiled. "Of course! See you this weekend!" He waved.

Peter waved back and unlocked his door. The cold air hit him immediately. Peter shivered. He was glad he was moving out.

He hoped Steve would call him before Wade would keep bothering him more.


Peter spent the rest of his day cleaning and preparing an email for his land lord.

He gathered some old boxes and packed a couple tiny things.

Peter's phone suddenly rang. He picked it up. It was Steve.

"Hey." Peter greeted.

"Hey, Pete. I got your message."

"Yeah." He sat down.

"I'm not really good at relationship stuff, but what's the problem?"

"Well. You know Wade?"

"The Merc? Yep." He answered, hesitantly.

Peter hesitated. "Well, we started dating awhile ago and I feel like we're going way too fast. I don't mind it too much, but it's like an obsessive kind of fast."

Peter could hear Steve rustling around.

"Hmmmmm. I don't really know much about that, but if it gets bad, you need to put Wade in his place. Make sure he knows you're uncomfortable."

"I've kind of tried that. I guess I'm not that persuasive." Peter scratched the back of his neck, he stuck a sticky note that said 'fragile' on one of the boxes.

"Yeah. I had that problem before the super soldier procedure. But I had Bucky. I guess that's a different problem." He paused. "Just make sure he knows. That he's listening. You might have to start a fight."

"Yeah that's the scary part." Peter whispered. "I'm afraid he'll be mad and-"

"Don't worry about, Pete. I'm sure he's just really in love with you."

Peter sighed and picked at his nails, the phone squished between his neck and shoulder. "That's the problem. I don't want the situation to get worse. I feel like I just keep encouraging him, but I like him at the same time. So if I push him away, he's going to make himself the victim. Then I apologize and he does it again."

Steve sighed. "Did you try Tony-oh never mind he'd just solve it with fighting anyways. How about May? I heard she's very wise."

Pete laughed lightly. "Yeah. I feel bad now I didn't think of that. Thanks Steve. Say hi to Tony for me?"

"Sure thing, kiddo." He hung up the phone.

Peter sighed and laid back on his bed. It squeaked in protest.

He'd just call May Tomorrow.

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