Beach- Taeil x Taeyong

Start from the beginning

"What a showoff" Taeyong averted his eyes from the guy's tummy. Johnny gasped "dude you know what this reminds me of?" Taeyong hummed in question. "that moto moto thing" Johnny grabbed his phone and sloppily typed in the letters.

"Jesus christ please no-" Taeyong was cut off by the song playing.

Johnny mouthed the words "Look out, I think moto moto likes you" laughing his ass off.

The song continued playing as the guy approached them, bopping along to the music that was being played by the party, not by them.

The guy smiled "Can I sit with you?" Taeyong shrugged while Johnny nodded frantically. "I'm Taeil" He held out his hand. "Taeyong" Taeyong mumbled. "aNd i'M joHnNy" Johnny almost dropped his drink in the process of standing up and shouting his name. Taeil laughed and nodded. "Yongiee~ come drink with me~" Johnny called to Taeyong, already at the bar. Taeyong sighed, he was probably gonna need it.

A few too many drinks later, and Taeyong was attempting to do the renegade with four twelve year olds. The girls laughed and soon went back to their parents.

All of the sudden, Taeyong heard an announcement from the party's DJ booth. "Coming up, we have a special request and message from Johnny Suh." The DJ started and was cut off by Johnny jumping around and saying "that's me!".

"Ahem, anyways, This song is for my best friend Yongie, dance your heart out bitch" the DJ finished and put on the song that Johnny and him had spent the last few years dancing to in his living room. Ring. Ding. Dong.

Taeyong got too excited and screeched, walking towards the dance floor where people had made space for him.

Cheers were heard around the crowd. Even though Taeyong was dancing pretty terribly, the crowd was mostly drunk so they couldn't tell. Taeyong spotted Taeil giggling at him, and quickly pulled him into the small circle he made.

Taeil held his hands up, attempting to get Taeyong to leave him be. Taeyong ignored him and basically just used him as a stage prop when the next song played. Dancing around him, a part in the song came up. "Spin me" Taeyong whispered in Taeil's ear, Backing up to prepare for his special move. Taeil moved in position and soon enough Taeyong was coming at him at full speed.

Lifting Taeyong up above his head. Taeil spun quite fast, while Taeyong pretended he was flying.

Taeil's arms got tired so he slowly put Taeyong back on the ground. Taeyong continued dancing, ending the dance with having Taeil spin him by his waist.

Taeyong was still being held by his waist, panting heavily while Taeil smiled at the other's exhausted face. Taeyong stood up properly before the adrenaline kicked back in. "WOOO YEA" He jumped around, making Taeil laugh. "That was fuckin amazing! You were perfect" Taeyong gave Taeil a look before jumping onto him, making Taeil let out an 'oomph' as Taeyong's weight settled on him. Taeil really didn't want to hold up the people from dancing so he walked off of the dance floor, supporting Taeyong by his butt.

Taeyong looked his head around, looking for Johnny. Spotting him, Taeyong moved around his head for a better view of where he was, accidentally brushing his lips against Taeil's. He was oblivious to the blush on the other's face while he kept looking for Johnny, eventually losing him in the crowd.

Taeyong moved his head back to Taeil's shoulder while Taeil brought them back to the now sand covered towel. Taeil set Taeyong down but Taeyong didn't let go. "Noo~ it's cold, and you were warm" Taeyong whined. Taeil chuckled at the other's behavior before removing Taeyong's hands from his neck and sitting down.

Taeyong pouted before crawling onto Taeil's lap, nuzzling his face into the other's bare chest. Normally he wouldn't be this clingy, however he was drunk as fuck.

Another song started playing and Taeyong perked his head up.

Excitedly jumping up from his comfortable space, Taeyong grabbed Taeil's hand, pulling him up. Taeil made a confused face while Taeyong wrapped his arms around his waist.

Taeil soon recognized the song and smiled, placing his arms around the other's shoulders, swaying back and forth.

Taeyong didn't know if it was the alcohol or just the fact that the guy in front of him was extremely attractive, but he found himself leaning forward.
Taeil was too focused on the other's eyes to notice how close their faces were.

Taeyong placed his lips on Taeil's gently, slightly sobering up, only to get drunk in the other's kiss. Their lips meshed together for a little while longer before Taeyong pulled away, smiling to himself.

Taeil moved his hands from Taeyong's shoulders to his face, cupping his face as he placed a shorter kiss on the younger's lips. As if Taeyong wasn't blushing enough already, he heard Johnny screaming in the background.

"YEAH GET IT BITCH" Johnny was now sitting on the towel with the DJ, who was silently giggling next to him.

Taeil moved his hands back down to Taeyong's waist, pulling him closer. "Let's go out tomorrow, if you're not busy?" Taeil pet Taeyong's hair as he talked. Taeyong thought a moment. "Okay" Taeil smiled and Taeyong pecked his nose cutely.

"Hate to ruin the mood, but the party's over, we gotta go back before midnight." The DJ yelled at them from a distance, a limp Johnny on his shoulder. Taeil hummed and held out his arms. Taeyong giggled and jumped onto him.


"No~ we gotta cuddle~" Taeyong whined as Taeil was about to leave him. "See, your offer is tempting, however I need to go back to my room, I stink of ocean." Taeil said, gently removing Taeyong's hands from his neck, Taeyong pouted. "Can I at least have a kiss?" He asked, puckering his lips. Taeil laughed before giving him a small kiss and leaving the room to go his own room. Coincidentally on the opposite side that Taeyong's room was.

Taeyong sighed in happiness, grabbing one of the pillows and hugging it tightly, slowly falling asleep.

★ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖★

Taeyong held his cheek, they were awfully hot even just thinking about last nights events.

As he was stacking the dishes, he noticed a note that he hadn't seen previously. It read,

"2pm, same place we were last night, can't wait to see you :D"

Taeyong widened his eyes, quickly dropping the note as he heard a knock on the door. Unfortunately Johnny had gotten to it first, opening the door to reveal Taeil. They talked for a bit before Johnny stepped aside to let him in.

"U-uh what are you doing here?" Taeyong desperately attempted to fix his hair. "Well, I uh, wanted to see you a bit earlier." Taeil admitted.

"Oh, heh, okay then" Taeyong scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. This was a lot easier when he was drunk.

"So uhm-" Taeil was cut off by Taeyong pulling him into a longer kiss.

Pulling away, Taeil blushed madly. Taeyong didn't know where the hell this confidence was coming from but he low-key liked it. Taeyong took Taeil's hand, interlocking their fingers. "Let's go somewhere?" Taeil nodded shyly and they both walked out of the resort, swinging their hands.

Taeyong occasionally stopped to do a cute thing, like pick up a cool rock, or just kiss Taeil's cheek.


Jesus christ that was fucking long.

"i trY tO Do 10o0 wOrD chAptErs" my ass.

I really didn't mean to write that much

Also this is dedicated to my best bitch
Because I know she hates that moto moto song

(Abby if you're reading this, I'm definitely playing that to wake you up when we have a sleepover again.)

Kay bye ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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