
Start from the beginning

Fleamont nodded once, the frown on his face only growing.

"You remember how afraid he was, of practically everything."

Fleamont let out a large sigh as he nodded some more.

It was hard to forget how Sirius was, it made them both worried as he was so different from the Sirius that came to stay with them every summer.

They were just lucky that they James already knew him and it was even luckier that James knew Sirius better than almost anyone.

It had only taken Sirius a few weeks to return back to his normal self, but the weeks when he wasn't, it was heart breaking to seem.

"We don't know Cassie and Regulus." She carried on, closing her eyes and moving her hand so that her head could now rest against her palm.

"But we still need to be here for them."

"And we will be." Fleamont spoke up for the first time in a short while.

"We're going to there for those children, for as long as we can be." Fleamont took in a deep breath, looking at Euphemias wand.

"But Mia, while we know what Orion and Walburga are doing is wrong."

Euphemia looked up at Fleamont once again, her eyes now slightly watering with tears.

"They're high up in the ministry, they will have protection all over them. And as much as I saying it, it will be up to Regulus and Cassie if they want to press charges-"

"That's bullshit-"

"But it's the truth, we can't do anything without their permission."

Euphemia knew that what Fleamont was saying was true, as much as she wished it wasn't.

She let out a small sigh, wiping the tears that had fallen from her eyes.

"I'm still going to attack them if I ever see them."

Fleamont let out a small chuckle, his hand grabbing Euphemias. His thumb instantly ran over the back of her hand in a reassuring way.

"I wouldn't expect anything less."


"Do you want a drink or something to eat Reggie?" Sirius asked his younger brother softly.

Sirius leant against the door frame into his room, one of his arms raised above his head. His hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, a few small strands framing his face. He was wearing a Queen shirt, which was a soft grey, Regulus remembered a fight that Sirius and their parents had when he came back to Grimmauld Place wearing the shirt. Sirius' pants were black, ripped skinny jeans, and his shoes were a pair of worn down black trainers.

Regulus was sitting on Sirius' bed, his back resting against the wooden backboard of the bed.

He was staring at a spot on the wall, one of the only spots that wasn't taken up by posters, drawings or pictures.

His eyes were swimming in a few tears, but no-one looking at him would notice.

Regulus was still wearing the clothes that he had been wearing during the meal with the Rosiers, not having the energy or motivation to change.

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