the kindness of people

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the kindness of people.

sometimes i honestly think everyone was put on this earth to screw each other over and make each other's lives miserable. but there are these brief moments in which i truly see, and believe, there is good in the world.

they might be trivial, everyday examples, but its the little things that let one see not all people are moronic and horrible.

let me tell you all a little story...

on new year's day my sister and her boyfriend invited me to go eat dinner with them. the three of us have known each other since we were children. he's like my little brother. we grew up seeing each other as cousins. i remember my family and his used to get together every sunday and since they had a pool, we used to have so much fun. 

anyway, the point is we went to the buffet cause i'm a picky bitch so i can just grab whatever i want. and yeah.

so they had these delicious mini chicken sanwich shots. but my sister and her bf had gone first and i stayed at the table guarding our things. when they came back, they told me they had just brought them out and they looked so delicious. so i went to go get one and THERE WERE NO MORE. and i had already gotten some mashed potatoes, and a piece of bread (i am very picky), so i was gonna head back and this middle aged woman stopped me.

she worked in the kitchen and was bringing out some steamed vegetables. and so she asked, "is there something you're looking for?" with a warm smile.

and i said, "yeah...but there are no more chicken sandwiches."

she said. "i think they won't be making those again until tomorrow. but i can go ask."

so she went into the kitchen and i just waited there awkwardly. when she came back, she saidm "yeah, they said they aren't gonna make more. sorry."

so i told her, "thank you so much for your help." and walked away.

so like ten minutes later, i saw her walking around the restaurant with a tray of chicken sandwich shots. and she was like searching for me. and i dont know if she made them just for me, but just the fact that she took the time to search for me and serve them for me was such an amazing gesture. my hope in the world was restored.

so yeah, do nice things for people, guys.

or at the very least be polite ^.^

i mean, don't do it expecting to get something in return though. do it from the kindness of your heart.

and that's my little story for today.

-clary xx

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