the man with a boombox strapped to his bike

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the man with a boombox strapped to his bike.

i kid you not, this is an actual person.

so i live in a neighborhood where mostly mexican people live. i love my neighborhood too, its where i've lived since i was like three years old.

but there is a man. i doubt he even lives on this street. but he rides by on his bike EVERY SINGLE DAY, at about the same time too. and he has a boombox attached to the front of his bike. and i know this because i've seen it with my own eyes. its one of those black boomboxes like the ones our parents had in the late nineties or early two thouands where they played their sonora dinamita or their tigres del norte albums. or that song that goes "yo tengo una bolita que me sube y me baja." or "follow the leader leader leader, follow the leader! the roof! the roof! the roof is on fireeee!" and shit like that. this man plays mostly like corridos and rancheras though.  and this man is pretty old. 

i'd say my dad's age. so likely, he has not discovered ipods or mp3 players. 

and so he is always playing mexican music ON BLAST when he rides by. and you can hear it, faint at first. then it gets louder and louder as he gets closer, then SUPER FUCKING LOUD AS HE PASSES YOUR HOUSE, then it gets faint again.

i swear.

i have lived on this street for seventeen years of my life and whenever i don't have school i hear him. it is about 11:30am and he just rode by.

i wonder if anyone on my street actually knows him.

someone needs to help him discover the magic of ipods.


-clary xx

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