mom's most loved child

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as you can all see from the title, this rant is about moms.

and i'm telling you now, ALL MOMS HAVE A FAVORITE CHILD. unless you're an only child, in which case they kind HAVE TO love you cause they got no one else.

my mom's favorite is my younger sister michelle. i have two sisters. i'm the middle child and michelle is the youngest.

i mean, i always knew my mom loved me, and she does. i'm her daughter. but i have also always noticed she treats my sister just a little bit better. and i'm not saying this cause i'm still angry at her over what happened this morning.


i just know.

just like i know my dad's favorite is me. i'm a daddy's girl, what can i say?

and so let me tell you guys what happened this morning and why i am mad at my mom. 


here it goes.

i am a twenty year old woman, i know. but my mom ocassionally makes me breakfast in the morning when i'm too lazy to make it myself.

today was one of those days.

so i told her; "mum, can you make me some scrambled eggs?"

and she said no because she didn't have time.

so i got over it and moved on with my life. instead i decided i would buy breakfast at school and that was that. i thought nothing else of it.


so then, LITERALLY two minutes later my sister walked into the kitchen. and mom asked her if she wanted some FUCKING SCRAMBLED EGGS for breakfast. like wtf mom? and i was right in the next room too. and i immediately yelled, "so you have time to make scrambled eggs for your favorite?" 

and she claims she was gonna make my scrambled eggs too.

but i refused.

cause damn. i had to ask for some damn eggs and she didn't make them for me. my sister didn't even ask for the fucking eggs and mom made them for her.

and i have more stories.

once, when i was a senior in high school, i got so sick that i was bedridden for four days. and gatorade is my favorite drink. so i asked mum if we had any. she said no. i asked her if she would go buy me one. AND THIS IS CONSIDERING THE FUCKING SHOPPING CENTER IS ON THE NEXT BLOCK. she told me no.

but I KID YOU NOT, my sister got sick the next week and she asked mum for cookies. BUT NOT JUST ANY FUCKING COOKIES. NO. she wanted some fucking CHIPS AHOY cookies. 

we didn't have any.

so mum practically ran out to the car and went to the store to buy the fucking cookies.


i think yes.

the struggles of the american college student.


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