names & places

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names and places.


so there are people out there who have names that also happen to be places. and i, for one, happen to really like that. hell, i fucking love it. 

a mild example of this is bastian schweinsteiger.

i honestly did some research and historical background (yes, i love history that much). so basically, the name schweinsteig translates to something along the lines of 'pig farm'. its not exact, i read a lot if information. and this was in a bavarian town a long long time ago, near munich. and the 'er' at the end means 'of the'. so in old german, basti's last name means 'of the pig farm'. so at one point, basti's ancestors were pig farmers, thus being given that name. also, there is a town near munich called 'schweinsteig' where there used to be pig farms. so the name can also mean 'of schweinsteig'. so there is a bit of info.

but bast didn't get to pick his last name.

there are people whose parents named them after places.

some examples are-

África Zavala. she's an actress on the spanish channel who appears on telenovelas. beautiful woman with a unique name. and each time she sees her, my mum says 'oh poor girl, that's a stupid name'. i like it.

América. i know a lot of people who name their kids after club america. i honestly hate club america, but i quite like the name. a lot of people say its a stupid name. but some on. its 'erica' with 'am' at the front. so what's the problem? erica is an accepted name in society, but america gets so much shit. sadly for me, i cannot name one of my kids Guadalajara, lol.

Asia. i have a friend named Asia and i just think the name is lovely.

Dallas. i guess you named your kid after the cowboys? whatever your reason was, you shouldn't be criticized for it.







i honestly wouldn't name my kids a lot of these names. but they're your kids, name them whatever you want. i just know some people in my real life who complain so much about names and its pretty annoying. just thought i would give my thoughts on it.

-clary xx

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