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expired tortillas are a mexican's worst nightmare.

and as a mexican american living in los angeles, i think i can easily speak from experience.

so one time, i was minding my own business, starving to death cause my mum was out and about with her church peeps. so i had no one to cook me some food. yeah, as a grown ass twenty year old, i should be able to cook for mmyself. but i love mommy's cooking. and in my defense, this happened almost two months ago, and back then, i was still nineteen.

anyway, this event scarred me for life.

to this day, i cannot eat a quesadilla in peace.

so what happened was that i was gonna make a quesadilla. i grabbed my tortillas and my cheese and i turned on the comal and shizz. [idk what the word for comal is in english. its kinda like a long and flat pan. so i guess its called a flat pan.]

anyway, i heated up ma fucken tortilla and put my cheese in it. 

prepared it all nice, like a pro.

and when i bit into that shizz, it tasted like a combination of past expiration dates and refridgerator.


so i grabbed the pack of tortillas and checked the expiration date. the tortillas had expired a month prior. and i was so grossed out i almost threw up.

and i had the taste in my mouth for hours.

so yah, worst nightmare for a mexican.

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