just a thought

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this book has about 70+ posts. i think it is beginning to get way too long. so when it reaches 100 posts, i'll be moving onto a new one which i will most likely call '#juntosvstodo book of rants' in honor of chivas (my all time favorite team) and their struggle to remain in the first division. this hashtag came about as an official slogan since they've been getting a lot of have from everyone. and the team wanted the fans to feel united with the team. so the slogan literally translates in english to "together vs everything". and i think its an amazing slogan because through all the hatred the team is recieving, we still have the biggest fanbase both in mexico and the united states and it really emphasizes that together we are stronger.

so this was basically a pointless post. but just letting you all know my boring rants and thoughts will be moving on to a new home once this book hits 100 posts. i hope to see you all there!

-clary xx

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