people who don't let others talk

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today's rant is about people who don't let other's talk.

okay, so in person i'm not much of a talker, but i can keep a conversation going with my friends. 

but there is this one friend who is in my music clas who TALKS LITERALLY FOR HOURS ON END AND SHE DOESN'T LET ANYONE ELSE TALK.


her name isn't important, lets call her nina.

and so nina takes the same shuttle i do on the way back to the home campus which is close to my house. sometimes we miss the shuttle and have to wait for the next one that comes by an hour later, and let me tell you. i DREAD that cause then nina rambles on for ages.

she literally does not shut up. 

she's also that type of friend who will go on about their lives and not even bother to ask how you're doing. as if only her and her problems were important.

so i have this other friend.

lets call her jc.

jc is also friends with nina, but when the three of us are waiting for the shuttle together she'll start talking to me. nina tried to interrupt by trying to connect whatever it is we're talking about, to her own life.

and so jc responds by interrupting nina and jc continues what she was saying.

so now jc and i don't let nina interrupt us and when she takes too much time rambling about her own life, we wait for a pause in her sentence and cut in without being rude cause damn we wanna talk too and a bitch is hogging up all the air time. lol

i mean nina is a nice girl.

she just needs to work on listening to people more.

and she needs to understand there are other people in this world and that things don't revolves around her.

something i really hate in her though is that she's a fourth mexican, a fourth white, and half italian. she was born in the us though. and she always makes a point to say she's italian and white. but she NEVER mentions she's mexican. i've literally only heard her mention it once.

its like she's ashamed of it.

and its sad cause she looks so 'nopalera' as we mexicans say.

if anything she should be proud of who she is.

like one time, i was with a different friend, kathy, and we were speaking in spanish and so nina kind of giggled and said "oh, i speak mexican too."

like tf?

mexican isn't a language.

i mean, i don't hate nina. i'm just on the verge of slapping her and asking her to never speak to me again if she ever says something horrible like that EVER.

so that was my rant.

thank you for reading.

i love you.

-clary xx

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