little paul-the-chicken

453 31 14

i never told you guys about my other chicken, huh?

his name was paul mccartney and he was the cutest thing ever. we got him a couple of weeks back and i loved him from the start.

he used to just stand there and close his eyes.

always fell asleep.

so then like a week ago, one of his brothers, who i named after the fabs as well. i named them john, paul, ringo and george. so one of them, i suspect john and ringo cause they're the biggest, attacked my little paul.

and they injured him so badly that he refused to eat.

my sister and i tried to feed him, but he just wouldn't.

yesterday we tried again because we noticed he was just a little sack of bones. he was so thin.

and i dunno what happened. we got him to drink water yesterday.

but this moring we found little paul was dead.

and, not gonna lie, i cried.

i miss my little paul.

may he rest in peace.

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