poncho gonzales

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poncho gonzales.

apparently he does not want to be called 'ponchito' anymore. in spanish, poncho is a nickname for boys named alfonso. and the -ito at the end indicates that we are adding 'little' to a word. thus, ponchito means little poncho.

but arturo alfonso gonzales, of club atlas no longer wants to be called poncho because he, at twenty years old, feels that he is too old for the nickname.

i understand his reasons and all, but i doubt its gonna happen. 

sorry poncho.

everyone who has been following his career, like i have for the past three years, know him as ponchito. i call him that on instinct without even thinking about it.

i'm sure everyone else does too.

it just so happens that he wants to be called 'poncho el grande' which means big poncho, or it can also be translated to poncho the great, but i doubt that was what he was going for. i think he just wants to get the point across that he's grown up. but how grown up can you be, really, when a nickname like 'ponchito' bothers you?

honestly, i love the guy, but i think he needs to suck it up and get over it.

my mum calls me 'patito', it means duckling. and i'm not out there telling her to call me by my actual name of just 'pato'. i know she calls me that out of fondness, just like everyone calls poncho 'ponchito' out of fondness.

a friend and i were talking about it on her rant book.

she reminded me carlos vela, who everyone saw grow up since the 2005 world cup for seventeen year old boys which mexico won, is STILL calling him carLITOS vela. this is the exact situation with poncho. he was part of the seleccion that won the world cup for seventeen year old boys in 2011, and he was known then as 'ponchito'.

so tough luck, poncho.

you will forever be known as ponchito gonzales to the mexican population.

sad (for poncho) but true.

-clary xx

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