WAGs (2)

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the world of the WAGs is a strange. 

some are super sweet, but some have serious beef with other WAGs, and others are just plain stuck up bitches. since i was part of this group when i was seventeen, i mostly got on with the seventeen year old WAGs. 

first of all, if you want to be a wag, be prepared to hear all this shit being talked about you. not just by the fans (which in my case were mostly seventeen year old girls who were always bitching about how he was too good for me), but his team mates will talk shit about you too. here is an example that once happened to me.

i had a twitter account which i used to interact with friends, his fans, and just promote his u17 games whenever he had them.

and so one time one of his team mates added me. and i followed back. the instant i hit that follow button, he sent me a DM. and he was flirting with me and all this shit. and i wasn't flirting back. but then he turned around and told my boyfriend (my ex now) that i was the one hitting on him and that he was rejecting me and telling me to stop. so my boyfriend got all jealous and asked me if i was flirting with his friend. and i said no. i explained everything to him and he said, "i know ______ (insert guy's name here) is a liar. so just block him and everything will be fine."

other drama in the wag world is bitches hitting on your man. this will ALWAYS HAPPEN. and they will pretend they aren't. they'll act all innocent.

like when i was with my boy, sluts would always mention him on twitter saying how handsome he was and all that. and he would reject them at first. but one day he was swayed by some girl from tijuana and it all went down from there. he would talk to her behind my back and since we lived in different countries (he in mexico and me in the usa) we could only talk on the phone and text, he thought he was going to be able to fool me.

so that girl and i got into a full scale indirects war on twitter. the conversation was exactly the same as the one i wrote about in my story "america". i got the inspiration from there. and he was just messing with her. when he broke up with me, he dated a different bitch.

and that girl became a great friend of mine in the end.

and then there are wags talking shit about other wags.

i don't like to gossip, but i knew girls who had so much beef with other wags. it was crazy the amount of competition some of them had with each other too.

there were some really stuck up ones too. i don't want to mention any names. but this girl was the most popular of us and most people thought she was the prettiest. and fans would always message her and try to talk to her and she would ignore all the comments. and she only had like 2k followers so her attitude was super pathetic.

i only had like 1k followers when i was a wag and i always tried to reply to everyone.

oh, and i forgot to mention the wags who have side occupations. i mean, i was seventeen, so i didn't have a job or anything. but i was a varsity cheerleader and i was in a church band so because of that, some of the fans regarded me as somewhat in a high position than other wags that went to school but didn't participate in a sport. but then there were the model wags and those were above me, and then there were the super rich wags who travelled all over and those were the ultimate favorite ones.

but yeah, once you become a wag, your entire life becomes a soap opera. lol

so that was a bit of a break down of the life of a not-so-typical wag.

-clary xx

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