"are you asleep?"

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"are you asleep?"

my dad is seriously the strangest person i will ever meet. i don't know if other dad's do this, but my dad does and it honestly makes me laugh when i think about it. although...it does not make me laugh when it happens in real time.

so my dad cannot cook for himself. literally. he doesn't even know how to work the microwave over. but he's good at many other things. so its okay.

but sometimes he wakes up early to go to work or gets up in the middle of the night and wants a damned cup noodles.

and so he will open my bedroom door, stand in the doorway and call out, "hey! hey! are you asleep?" and he will not stop there, WHEN ITS MORE THAN CLEAR YOU ARE NOT AWAKE. so when there is no answer, he will call out, "hey! are you asleep?"

until i wake up and am forced to say, "no, dad. i was not asleep."

like seriously.

its not fun.

i always just want to say, "jfc dad. i was asleep, do you not have eyes? i know you use glasses, but damn!" i obviously never say this to him because that would be rude and he would get super mad and as my mum says "vas a andar recogiendo tus dientes en la calle", which translates to "you're gonna be picking up your teeth on the street". my dad is an intimidating mexican man.

anyway, there you have a little story/rant.

-clary xx

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