Tara Chambler- Feel (c)

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You never thought an apocalypse would ever occur and you certainly never thought you'd be one of the few survivors of it. Somehow you were still alive in a small community, trying your best to thrive but living in a world that was never meant to survive something like this. The only good thing about this world was that you met Tara and had fallen in love with her. You were terribly scared that you were going to lose her to the dangers of the world but as long as you had her, you would be able to cope with the world that you had to face. You didn't admit to her that you were in love with her, but you were happy being friends with her even if you didn't get to be with her in the way that you wanted to be.

The two of you were sat in an abandoned building, having gone out to look for supplies and ended up stuck away from your home for the night so sought protection in a house. It wasn't secure but it was certainly a better option than staying out on the streets. You headed up to one of the bedrooms to block up the door and keep safe for the night.

"I don't know how to cope with this," you sighed looking out of the window to see walkers heading past, not knowing anyone alive with on that street.

"No one does."

You made your way over to the old dusty mattress, sitting down beside her. "The world is a literal hell. It's so freakishly terrifying. Nothing is normal at all anymore, I can't even be with people I love because I'm too scared of losing them. I'm too scared to do-"

Your words were cut short by lips pressing to your own, stopping you from saying anything more. Whatever was on your mind was quickly lost as you melted into her, only paying attention to the intimate moment with the woman you had fallen in love with.

As she pulled away, it took you a moment to realise what was happening.

"Did you just kiss me?" You questioned, your fingers running across your lower lips.

"And I'm going to do it again because I'm frankly in love with you and we shouldn't be scared of feeling anything because that's all that is going to keep us feeling alive."

Tara pressed her lips to yours again and everything finally felt normal even just for a moment.


Written by Charlotte.

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