Michonne- Worries (h)

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Living your life on the run wasn't what you had always imagined – you had imagined being married, being a parent, being happy and not scared every single time you take a step outside of your zone.

You were one of the lucky ones; you had Rick and his group there for you – especially Daryl, because the two of you were in a relationship.

You had been with Daryl prior to the apocalypse breaking out, and when Rick came along you managed to convince Daryl to stop being a hard ass and actually get along with him.

Daryl and Rick had gone out on a run for supplies, so the rest of the group were staying at the prison and trying their best to maintain a somewhat normal routine.

You were sat out in the courtyard, minding your own business and Michonne came to sit down by you.

"Hey Y/N" your best friend said and you smiled at her, "How're you holding up?" she asked.

Michonne knew full well that whenever Daryl went on a run, you would sit and not sleep until he came back because you drove yourself up the wall with worry despite him making it back in one piece every time – give or take a few scrapes and bruises.

You shrugged, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them "About the same as I was when you asked me two hours ago" you told her with amusement in your voice.

She laughed "So you're worrying about your boyfriend and you're not moving until he is back" she recited in a monotone voice.

You jokingly pushed her, causing her to laugh again, "Don't judge me" you stated and she continued to laugh "You're the same with Rick" you told her.

She blushed a little and smiled sheepishly "But I am not refusing to move until he is back" she said in her defence.

You rolled your eyes "We might as well face it – the both of us are missing our boyfriends and don't know what to do with ourselves" you explained.

Michonne nodded in agreement "It's just, they are out there and have no way of contacting any of us if they get into trouble and having no contact with us means that they could end up stranded" she voiced the worries that were going through both of your heads.

Just as you were about to answer, you heard the gates opening and people shouting "They're back" you got up as you spoke.

You ran towards the gates and saw Daryl getting out of the truck, so you jumped into his arms and luckily he caught you – wrapping his arms around your waist "Missed me?"


Written by Hannah.

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