Lori Grimes- Sister (c)

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In an ideal world, you wouldn't be ransacking shops and fighting off zombies. Well in an ideal world it would have never turned to complete shit and there would never be such thing as zombies. If the world had to be infested with something it would be something so much nicer and less murderous such as unicorns or fairies.

Nevertheless, you couldn't change that. All you could do now was survive.

Compared to the others in the group you were rather blessed. You were lucky enough to have your older sister Lori with you at the camp along with her husband Rick and their son Carl. Even though there was a bit of an age difference you had always been close with your sister and in turn you had always enjoyed spending time with her family. Now that you were stuck in a camp you weren't as impressed to be with her.

You loved her dearly but she was too protective. Being relatively young and nimble you had shown promise on supply runs so pretty much did them all along with Glenn. You weren't too happy that you were putting your life on the line every time but you were glad to be doing your part for the group as you could always be doing something a lot worse.

It was about time for you and Glenn to leave to go to the nearby town to look for any more surprises but as you knew was compulsory you were going to say goodbye to your sister. You had already said goodbye to Rick and Carl, meaning it just left Lori.

"I really don't think you should go. Carl wanted to go fishing with you," she stated attempting to make subtle arguments to why you should stay at the camp rather than go on a run.

"I need to go Lori. We need supplies and Glenn can't go alone. I'll go fishing with him tomorrow, Amy is taking him today, I think Andrea might be going as well," you assured her.

She narrowed her eyes for a moment attempting to think of something else to make you stay.

"Well wouldn't you enjoy to go with them? I know you are great friends with Amy, it'd be nice for the four of you to spend some time together."

You raised an eyebrow knowing what she was doing and you weren't buying it.

"Lori, I will be fine on this run. Always am. I've got Glenn with me, and you know how noble he is, he would rather die than allow me to get hurt," you smiled reassuring her. "I'm a big girl Lori. I can take care of myself."

Before she could say anything, Glenn approached the two of you resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Ready to go Y/N?" He asked.

You turned back to Lori to hope she was going to let you go without kicking and screaming. She seemed hesitant, but she launched herself at you pulling you into a bone crushing hug forcing Glenn to take a step away from you. Lori's lips pressed to your hair as she held you to her.

"You better come back to me," Lori stated firmly. She looked towards Glenn. "If you don't take care of my baby sister I will make your life more of a living hell then the world already is."

Glenn looked slightly concerned at her threat.

"Be nice Lori. I can take care of myself and we will both be back in one piece I promise you," you told her. "I love you sis, I shall see you later."


Written by Charlotte. 

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