Beth Greene- Cats (c)

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Everything had been happy and safe for too long, and you knew it had to be too good to be true. And that is exactly what it was. The prison was no more, and for all you knew everyone had perished. You were split up from the group now only being with Beth. Holding onto hope, you believed in the others being alive, but for all you knew they could be dead.

Beth and you had escaped the prison together. Even though you weren't the strongest members of the group, you were both fighters and you had been friends, possibly more in the near future, and you were happy if you were left with one member of the group it was her.

It'd had been days, possibly weeks since you escaped, and you hadn't found a new place to set up camp. After walking for a long while, you'd found a town. A few walkers hung around in the street, but they were easy to take out.

Together you made your way through a few houses to find any supplies, and you found a few cans of food, and some useful objects. Going through one of the last houses you heard something. Reaching a hand out, you tapped Beth's arm as a gesture for her to be quite.

Slowly you approached the sound.

"Stay there," You whispered, wanting to investigate it but not wanting to see Beth get hurt.

You continued after the sound, heading out of the room. Opening the door to where the sound seemed to come from, you held your make shift weapon defensively ready to attack. But when you saw what had caused the noise, you knew you didn't need a weapon, and a smile instantly appeared on your face.

"Is it a walker?" Beth called softly to you.

"No. Come and look."

She did as you told her, hurriedly moving into the kitchen you stood in. On the floor was scattered food and a lot of mess, but in a single clear spot lay a tattered cushion and bundles of fur.

"Cats?" She smiled.

"The kittens must only be a couple of weeks old. It's surprising they have survived this long. But they look healthy," You stated.

Beth walked through the room opening cupboards, until she found something that could be food for the cat. Brushing off the floor nearest to them, she set down one of the least dirty dishes, placing the food onto it.

"It must be at least a little safe here. Kittens aren't quiet, neither is a cat caring for her children. There aren't many walkers, and we have enough supplies for a little while. This seems like somewhere we can settle until we can figure out how we can find Maggie and the others. And here at least we have company," She smiled, cautiously reaching out a hand to the cat, who welcomed the human touch.

"Well I never believed after all of this, I'd ever have another pet cat, but I couldn't just leave them here. So this will have to be home."


Written by Charlotte.

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