Andrea- Ankle (c)

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Forests were the worst place to be. There were so many places for walkers to hide; even if it looked safe it probably wasn't.

You and Andrea had been on a supply run, but the quickest and easiest way back to camp was through the forest. You hoped for the best, keeping your weapons to hand as you made your way through staying as aware as possible of your surroundings. Although you tried to keep your eye out for any danger, the two of you were still caught by surprise by a walker coming out from between the trees.

As a first instinct, you attempted to get as much space between you and the walker, taking a few steps back. In doing so, you didn't see the tree root behind you, knocking you over onto the floor.

Pain shot through your ankle as you looked to Andrea for help. She saw the walker making its way to you, pulling it back and putting her knife into its head, throwing it away from the two of you. You grasped onto your ankle. There wasn't any blood, but it did hurt like a bitch.

Andrea gave the surroundings a once over before kneeling down next to you, concern washing over her face. She put her knife down next to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I tripped," you groaned, moving your sock to see if you could see any external damage to your ankle.

She pulled off your shoe, forcing a scream of pain to escape you.

"I'm sorry," she winced, gently moving your foot. "Does it hurt?"

You nodded your head vigorously, in too much pain to actually speak without screaming in pain.

Andrea threw your shoe into her bag that contained the supplies you had found before getting back onto her feet, accessing the situation.

"Okay, we need to get you home," she stated. "We won't be able to do anything here to help you."

"I can't walk," you whispered.

"I'm going to help you."

She leant down so that you could wrap your arm around her shoulders and help hoist you up onto your feet. It took a couple of attempts, but you were onto your uninjured leg, the other one bent up, so you didn't put any pressure onto it.

"Will take this slow," she said softly. "If anything comes, try not to fall over and I'll attempt to handle it."

"I'm sorry," you sighed.

"Don't be sorry. We all fall over at some point, let's just get you home."


Written by Charlotte.

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