Mark- Husband (c)

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Once you had been married and happy, now you were married and sad. It wasn't that your marriage had deteriorated by any means, the marriages were to two different men. With the end of the world it was the end of everything you knew and loved.

Before the world had turned to shit, your life had been pretty great. You had a loving husband, a beautiful home and you had plans to start a family. It was everything you had dreamed about since you were young, but your dreams came crashing down.

You had been at work when the zombie outbreak had started. Everyone was in hysterics and your first thought was to rush home to your husband. Being with Mark would have made things better. You waited there for a couple of days, but he never came back; with the army taking over the town and not wanting to be killed like many had you fled.

Mark's whereabouts were unknown; there wasn't anything else you could do to find him, and you weren't going to die before you knew if he was okay. You honestly had no hope of surviving if you came into contact with a zombie however you found people, people who had a camp and were surviving. They invited you back to their camp to be a member of their community. It seemed like a light of hope.

It wasn't the most functional of communities, it was a dictatorship and unless you could bring something to the group, you got nothing back. The leader, Negan had taken a shine to you as he did most women around your age and offered you a better life. You weren't happy with it but having not eaten and being terrified of the world you were in, you were desperate and agreed. Soon you were considered his wife, along with a few other women and you were treated like royalty. Well royalty to the others in the community but a piece or meat to Negan. You were only there for him, to do as he said when he said it, if not you would be punished.

After a year of being Negan's wife, life was the same and boring. There was little to do, and you had to make sure you were there at Negan's every beck and call. The only solace was walking around the courtyard, to get some fresh air and pretend your life was normal.

It was another one of those moments. You were outside, embracing the autumn breeze however this time it was different. You heard your name be called and soon you were literally swept off of your feet. You were held in a man's arm, his lips pressed to yours. When you were able to open your eyes and push him away from you, time stood still.

Mark was there. Your husband was there, and you never thought you'd feel so scared and sad to see him.

"Mark?" You said, unable to smile, too scared about the consequences.

"I can't believe you're alive," he smiled. "I am so glad to see you. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Mark, but you have to go."

He cocked an eyebrow at you, unsure as to why you were acting in such a strange manner.


"We cannot be seen together. He will kill you."


As he asked the question an arm was wrapped around your waist.

"Y/N," Negan said with his animalistic grin. "You've met Mark."

You nodded your head softly before he pulled you in for another repulsive kiss. Mark's anger got visible, and you had to interject before he did something he would regret.

"He... he was my husband before you," you stated.

Negan let out a hearty chuckle. "Well what a small world."

"What's going on Y/N?" Mark asked, annoyed and confused.

Negan held you close, painfully close.

"Well Marky boy, she is my wife. Not yours. I better not see you near her, or you will regret it."

Mark's face paled.

"Let's get back to the bedroom Y/N," Negan smirked. "Isn't she just amazing in bed?"

You could see that Mark was going to get hurt if he acted on his emotions.

"Goodbye Mark," you quickly stated, giving him a sympathetic smile as Negan led you away from your real husband.


Written by Charlotte.

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