Rick Grimes- Carl (h)

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Rick had always been like a father to you – he was there when you needed him, and he had accepted your relationship with his son after a slight bit of confusion and annoyance.

Your relationship with Carl was going extremely well, and Rick couldn't be happier for the two of you.

He had been worried about Carl since Lori died, he didn't know whether Carl would find someone that he could be close with let alone actually have a relationship with.

When you joined the group, you didn't really have anyone – just the people that you were already with but none of them were biologically related to you – and Rick was the person that you could go to if there was something wrong, he would take time to listen to you and then help you as best he could and you were grateful for that.

Carl was up on watch with Glenn, so you were sat outside with Judith and entertaining her.

"You are an adorable little girl" you told Judith in a baby voice, and you ticked her tummy which caused her to giggle her little heart out.

You continued to tickle Judith, and make her laugh, but you heard a laugh that wasn't Judith's come from behind you "She likes you" Rick told you, as he sat down next to you.

Judith made grabby hands towards her father so you handed her over, "I'm glad, she's a lovely child" you stated which caused him to smile fondly over at you.

"Judith deserves to have a girl like you in her life" Rick played with Judith as he spoke "As is Carl...I didn't know what would happen to him, whether he would find someone like I found his Mum, or if he would even survive all of this because I can't always be there to protect him" he admitted to you.

Judith turned to you, and you reached out to hold her hand "I love Carl, Rick, I really do" you smiled fondly as you spoke about Carl "And I'll always be here for him, no matter what"


Written by Hannah.

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