Tara Chambler- Love (c)

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It was a foul night, not that since the walkers arrive any night hadn't been foul, but tonight was cold and dismal. You and Tara had to find shelter in a dilapidated shack to do your best to survive the horrific elements and hope that no walkers were to find you there.

As soon as you had made your temporary camp, Tara offered to take first watch but there was no way for you to possibly sleep. The only time you did get rest these days was when you were physically too tired to stay awake and passed out for the night.

Tara stood with a small lookout, gun at hand, whilst you sat in the corner with your knees pulled up to your chest. You tried to hold in your emotions but your silent tears fell down your cheeks until you chocked on a sob gaining her attention.

She gave one more look outside, before holstering her gun and kneeling in front of you.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly.

"I'm... I'm terrified Tara. The world it is such a mess. How are we going to survive this? How are we ever going to be happy in this? This isn't a world that has a future it is just hell," you whispered, sniffling to your tears.

Tara reached one hand out to rest it on your knee, trying to give it an encouraging squeeze.

"I know Love. It isn't something I thought I'd ever have to see, but we can survive. We've survived this long. As long as we have each other," she smiled softly trying to seem strong but you knew she was in as much psychological anguish as you were.

"But Tara. What if you die? What am I supposed to do? Love is a weakness in this world. Love can only cause pain," you sobbed. "I love you but that will only break my heart when this all becomes terrible."

Rather than staying where she was, she leaned closer, cupping your cheeks in her hands, pulling your face closer to hers so that your noses were almost brushing one another.

"I'm completely and utterly in love with you and I wouldn't have it any other way," she smiled, leaning in to close the small gap and press your lips together.

You weren't sure how but Tara could somehow settle your nerves with a simple kiss no matter how terrible your anxiety and nerves were at the time.

As she pulled away you hesitantly raised your right hand to caress her cheek lovingly.

"Thank you," you whispered.

"What for?" She laughed seemingly uncertain for why you were being grateful.

"Although the world is crap one good thing has happened with it."

She raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"I have met the woman that I love."

Her eyes rolled at your cliché words, not that anything she had previously said couldn't have made its way into a terrible chick flick.

"I love you too. And although there are things out there that want us dead, once we catch up to the others we are going to survive this. It is terrible but the world can't throw anything at us that it can't solve somehow," she offered to encourage you that everything would get better.

"Tell that to the dinosaurs."


Written by Charlotte.

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