Tara Chambler- Reading (c)

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Both you and Tara understood that you decision probably wasn't for the best. You didn't know these people and for all you knew they could easily kill you, and they had no reason to want to keep the three of you alive. If you came across a sticky situation, you were going to be the ones that were going to end up dead.

From the looks of it, they knew what they were doing, and you had seen that you and Tara weren't the best at defending yourselves, but could cope, however with Glenn unconscious you weren't sure what you were going to do- you didn't want to dwell on it though.

All you had on you was your rucksack, which luckily you were able to retrieve when the prison was destroyed seen as you were in your cell when it happened. As the vehicle headed to wherever, you sat in the back with Tara by your side, and Glenn unconscious next to you.

Tara's head rested on your shoulder, as her arms were loosely thrown around you. In your hand was a book, allowing yourself to be distracted by the fictional world you'd currently rather be in than in the hellish world you currently had.

Tara looked up at you, furrowing her eyebrows.

"How are you reading at a time like this?" She asked, her voice hoarse, nearly breaking.

"It's better than thinking about the reality of the world. Rather than being transported across the country, and at any point could be murdered by zombies, I'll pretend I'm in Middle Earth and my biggest worry is that we bump into some orcs, but they are hardly as bad as zombies," you shrugged. "Just dwelling on this world and the pain we all have been through, isn't helping anyone. We need to find a world that is brighter than ours and hope something good is still here."

She looked confused for a second, but a smile twisted onto her lips as she held you tighter, kissing your jaw.

"That's oddly optimistic," she laughed. "But aren't you scared?"

"Terrified. But whenever I was scared, granted that was usually that I was going to fail an exam or that I was going to disappoint my family, and I was never in as much danger as I am now, but I would read. Reading saved me from fear and gave me an escape and I'm not going to let the world now get me down," you sighed.

"I don't want to lose you," she stated. "I will do anything in my power to keep you safe."

You smiled at her, using the hand that wasn't holding the book, to wrap around her back, to rub it comfortingly.

"You are going to have to try hard to get rid of me; I am going to fight until my dying breath to make sure you are safe and will forever be by your side. Whether I am alive or dead, I will be by your side. And maybe one day we will be back to a happy, normal world and we'll be able to read books about our adventures," you smiled.


Written by Charlotte.

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