Carl Grimes- Stay Safe (c)

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Fear. Fear consumed you, but you couldn't let it. The prison's society was now destroyed, and everyone tried to flee. You didn't know who was alive or who was dead, everyone just ran. The only person you had found was Carl.

Neither of you knew where Judith or Rick, or any of the others had gone. You didn't know if they were alive, and you didn't know if they were safe.

Without thinking, you had grabbed hold of the boys hand and dragged him further into the surrounding overgrowth until you were far enough away from any walkers. You stopped, out of breath.

"What is going to happen?" Carl asked.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I may be an adult, and I'm supposed to lie to you and make it seem better. But we are in the midst of an apocalypse and I am scared senseless. I'm not psychic and I have no idea how we are going to survive this. Over a year ago I was a teacher, I didn't know I'd now spend my day stabbing a knife through infected humans," You exclaimed, "I'm sorry. That was unfair. We need to see if anyone else survived and are still around here."

He looked confused by your outburst but seemed sympathetic, even though his eyes began to brim with tears. You didn't know if it was because of you, or just the circumstances but you had never seen him cry before. Sometimes you forgot he was just a kid.

"Hey, please don't cry. I'm sorry. I'll get us out of this. I will do my best to find your Father and Judith. And Daryl and Glenn and Maggie and all of the others. We can do this kid," You smiled warmly resting a hand on his shoulder.

"We need to go back. We need to get back in there. What if Judith is on her own? What if no one found her? What if someone is hurt and stuck there? We can't let them die," He whispered almost crying.

"I can't let you go back in there. You are a kid. I can't be the reason you could die or get hurt. I know you can fight, but you don't have to. I will keep you safe I promise you that. You need to stay here," You sighed passing him your gun, "Here. I need you to stay here until day break. If I am not back leave. Go north," You pointed in the correct direction, "Continue until you find someone or somewhere safe. I will go back and look for people in the prison. I will do my best to be back before morning, but if I can't I'll catch up with you. Shoot any walkers, or anyone who threatens you. And if I hear a shot I will come back to try and help you."

His eyebrows furrowed but he wearily stared at the gun.

"Dad doesn't want me to use guns," He stated.

"I know. And your Dad is a smart man. I'm not your Mum, I'm not anyone to you, I'm at best a friend. But I need you to listen to me now because I'm all you've got for the moment. Please be strong. I know you are. Please stay safe. If you need me shoot the gun. Okay?" You smiled wearily.

"Okay," He said taking the gun, "Be safe Y/N. And please find my Dad and sister."

"I'll do my best kid."


Written by Charlotte.

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