Daryl Dixon- Threats (c)

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For the whole of your school life you had managed to stay at the top of your class and it seemed as though you were perfectly equipped for the world that you were going to have to face after graduation.

However school could have never prepared you for what actually happened. You hadn't even graduated yet when the world was overthrown by zombies and now you had an incapability to do anything but focus on surviving.

Survival was all you could focus on. You had lost everyone that you had held dear to you, everything you had ever loved. You were alone.

The initial fear had disappeared and now you lacked any emotion, only focusing on trying to live and prosper in this forsaken world.

To survive, it meant that you did not care for anyone else, you didn't think about how they could survive you just needed live, their survival was their own problem.

That's how you came to following the man with the crossbow through the forest. He had trailed from his group and you knew you were capable of getting anything he had on him.

You waited until he placed the crossbow onto the floor to focus on what he had killed. Being small, you got through the minimal vegetation unnoticed. Looping your foot with the weapon you slid it away from the two of you holding the gun to the man's head.

"Shouldn't have put your guard down," you stated, "now you just have to give me a reason not to kill you."

"Children shouldn't play with guns," he said gruffly looking up at you from his crouched position on the floor.

"Who said I was playing?" You hissed.

"Do you even know how to use that thing?" He questioned.

Quickly you lifted the gun shooting a far off tree before pointing it straight back at him.

"I know a thing or two. Now. You must be honest with me, or you shall have a bullet in your head. Do you have a group? Or are you alone?"

Your question was slightly pointless due to you knowing the answer, however you did want to know if he was prepared to be honest to you.

"I'm alone. Are you?" he frowned.

"Do not lie to me Daryl. Carl is still weak, I do not think he could handle another bullet," you shrugged, "but I guess that'll just have to be. I'll just put him out of his misery."

He looked puzzled for a second before he became visibly angry at the comment you made.

"How do you know my name? What do you know about Carl?" He said gruffly.

"You are staying on the Greene Farm. I am staying not too far away. I need supplies and it's clear you all have them. And I need them. Therefore you need to get them for me," you explained.

"And why'd I do that?" He growled.

"I'll die without them. I'm alone. I have nothing. But also if I don't receive them, I'll pick off your group one by one. I need to survive Daryl, and there is no other way," you commented.

Your aim wasn't to kill innocent people but if it came to it, you'd do what you had to do. Your priority was to live, and if that meant taking others' lives you weren't going to hesitate.

"But there are other ways."

"Such as?"

"Join our group. You're a kid. You can't be out here on your own."

A laugh erupted from your mouth.

"Yes, because you invite everyone that threatens to kill you and your friends to live with you. Either that is a trap, or you are a complete naïve moron."

"Well either you kill me now, or join my group, because I am not going to get you any of the supplies."


Written by Charlotte.

The Walking Dead Imagines and One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon