Tara Chambler- Reunion (c)

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No one was expected to come back to Alexandria anytime soon. When you saw, the gates opening at Eugene's hand, you were frankly confused as to why anyone would have left the slightly less terrible place of Alexandria for the outside world.

Walking in that general direction, you looked absentmindedly to try and find out who was coming in, and as soon as you saw the woman, you dropped everything you were carrying. It took you a moment to get your thoughts into line, before you set off on a sprint to meet the brunette woman at the gate.

Eugene and Tara were embracing after such a long time apart and the terrible occurrences that she had missed, let alone any she had experienced whilst away.

"Tara," you squeaked causing the two to pull apart.

Her eyes lit up slightly as she grinned at you. You couldn't help but speed towards her across the last couple of steps, to pull her into a bone crushing hug.

"Y/N," She smiled hugging you back. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. What happened? Where's Heath? Have you heard about what has happened? God it's been terrible. I'm so glad that you are back and safe," you grinned holding onto her as tight as possible.

"Calm down," she sighed. "It was a bit of a mess really. I'll talk to you about it later. It is a very long story. What happened? I've literally just got back," she said softly.

You pulled away from Tara, looking towards the concerned face of Eugene, not certain as to what you were going to say to her about the terrible occurrences since she had been on the supply run.

"Oh..." you stated with Eugene almost crying at even the thought of you having to tell her about what happened. "I think we should go have some tea. Sit down and we can chat about everything that we have missed here and there."

She looked concerned, knowing that you were a fairly forward and open person about everything, and at this point you were putting off the point.

"That bad?" She sighed.

"Worse. I think tomorrow we'll go to Hilltop," you frowned taking her hand and leading her towards your home.

"Why would we go to Hilltop?" She questioned.

You sighed trying to think of a decent way of putting it truthfully without being too brash about the whole thing.

"We should probably go see Maggie and Sasha. I'm sure you'll want to see them after I tell you about everything," you smiled softly trying to reassure her.

"What did I miss?"



Written by Charlotte.

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