Tyreese Williams- Home (c)

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Since the prison was destroyed, you and Tyreese had been separated from the rest of the group along with the three girls. Neither of you were parents, nor had real experience with children. Travelling with three relatively young children, without anywhere to stay and needing one or both of you to be on watch each night was a stressful and tiring task that you were never prepared for.

Having been awake for at least 36 hours with the bare minimum sleep the night prior you were losing your patience and interest in staying alive, this not being a life you'd willingly want to live.

Tyreese was carrying Judith, whilst Mika was sitting on your shoulders falling asleep with Lizzie walking between the two of you holding your hand. You weren't sure how you'd ended up with the ten year old on your shoulders, but somehow it happened and you were too tired to argue.

"I'm tired," Lizzie complained.

"I know. We'll find somewhere to stay soon honey. I promise," you smiled weakly.

You continued walking as the sun began to set. Looking over to Tyreese you non-verbally knew you needed to make camp soon. However after walking for a little longer you found a small house that seemed empty.

Placing Mika back onto the ground, Tyreese handed her Judith whilst you handed Lizzie your spare gun.

"We're going to sweep the house, make sure it's safe for us to stay in. If a walker comes shoot. If we hear a gunshot we'll come straight out to help, okay?" You smiled softly.

She nodded.

You didn't want to leave the girls outside on their own, but it was safer for them to do that rather than come in with you and you couldn't only have one of you going into the house.

Both of you pulled out your knives before walking into the building. You took the door to the left and he made his way up the stairs. You found no walkers first of all, not until you opened a door that lead to the basement. It caught you off guard, grabbing hold of you. You attempted to fight it off but were failing miserably, until Tyreese appeared stabbing it in the head.

He pushed it away from you both pulling you into his arms. He held you tightly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking down at you.

"Yeah. Thanks," you smiled softly leaning up to kiss him.

As you pulled away he continued to hold you tightly. "Was there anything upstairs?"

He shook his head.

"There weren't any walkers. Two bedrooms, even a cot, I think this place could work for us. One of the bedrooms is a mess, but we can clean it up tomorrow. The girls can get a proper night's sleep in a real bed," he smiled.

You both made your way out of the house to see the girls exactly how you left them.

"Come on girls. We're going to stay here for now," you said ruffling Mika's hair.

"Really?" She grinned in return.

"Yeah. Ty if you bring the cot to the living room and put Judith down, we can rest on the couch. I'll take the two girls up to the bedroom."

Mika handed Tyreese the baby and he took her into the dimly lit house.

"Do you want me to carry you?" You asked the younger sibling.

"It's Lizzie's turn," she stated.

You lifted the older sister up and began to carry her up the stairs with Mika trailing behind you. You opened a couple of doors until you found the bedroom with the double bed in it. You threw the quilt back, sitting Lizzie down on the bed.

Helping the two girls get their shoes off, you tucked them into the bed, kissing their heads and telling them to call for you or Tyreese if they needed anything.

As you walked down the stairs, you could see Tyreese locking the front door. He smiled up to you reaching out his hand as you got close to the bottom step. You took it allowing him to lead you into the living room. He had set up the cot with a now sleeping Judith in it. Although it looked a bit of a mess in the room, you didn't care, the sofa was calling you and you were desperate to sleep.

You both made your way over to the sofa. Although it was a tight squeeze, you both managed to lay down wrapped in each other's arms with your head resting on his chest.

"Are the girls okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. They were both barely awake, I'm sure they are sound asleep now. They don't have to worry about their safety as much here. They can rest and try to pretend it's a normal night for once," you sighed, drawing patterns on his chest with your fingertips.

"You're good with them," he stated. "Especially Lizzie. She needs someone to keep her grounded. You do that for her."

You smiled, leaning up to press a kiss to his chin.

"Don't underestimate yourself Ty. None of us would be alive without you. You're the closest thing to a Dad they have at a moment."

His hand rubbed your back as silence fell over the both of you.

"Did you ever consider having kids? Of your own I mean. I know you took care of the girls, and the other kids at the prison," he asked.

"Well before this all happened. It was a different story. Of course I wanted to be a Mum someday. But now, I don't know if I could bring a child into this world. I want to be a Mum but I guess whilst I haven't got a home or somewhere safe to raise a child, I couldn't do that. I saw how torn Lori was when she found out about being pregnant with Judith. I don't think I could do that. But for now I have Lizzie and Mika and Judith," you sighed. "Do you want kids?"

You'd been with Tyreese since he'd joined the prison. You'd never discussed children or the like, it didn't seem like something that was up for discussion. But this place could be safe. It could be a home. It could become something so much better.

"My opinion is the same as yours. I wouldn't selfishly put someone through pregnancy when there are no supplies if something goes wrong. I couldn't be so selfish to allow a child into a world where no matter how hard I try they can never be safe. I guess if I found somewhere safe, away from the herds, somewhere where we could grow our own food, and survive, I wouldn't be against it."

Looking up at him, you could see a smile growing on his face along with a knowing look.

"Am I guessing that's hinting at me taking into consideration extending our slightly dysfunctional family if this place can be considered our home?" You asked raising your eyebrow.

"You said it not me," he grinned.

You shuffled slightly so you could kiss him on the lips.

"If this place is safe. And we can fix it up, and no herd come through for a while, I'll think about it. It is a risk no matter where we are, but at least maybe here we can consider this a home rather than a building we decided to live in," you said in a soft tone, moving back to move your head to rest on his shoulder.

He leant down to kiss your hair.

"Thank you Y/N. Now go to sleep. I'll stay up just in case the girls need me or if anything happens," he said softly.

"I love you," you whispered as you began to fall asleep;

"I love you too."


Written by Charlotte.

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