Rick Grimes- Running (h)

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You could have never predicted that your life was going to turn out this way – constantly on the run, never feeling safe, always being worried about those around you as well as yourself.

You thought that you would have a peaceful life, settling down with someone great and maybe having a couple of kids but maybe not.

Needless to say, things hadn't quite turned out like that.

You had found some form of safe haven within the prison, turning it into something that could be habitable and to a good standard at that.

Having been with the group since Atlanta, you were no stranger to having to run for your life and somehow make good out of absolutely nothing.

There was a part of you that still wanted that peace and quiet within your life but you had come to the conclusion that it was never going to happen, and it was easier to come to terms with that instead of holding out hope for it.

For the past two hours or so, you had been minding your own business by sitting out on the grass and looking out over the prison – managing to ignore the walkers that were on one side of the prison.

You had finished all of your chores, and no one seemed to want any help for the time being so it made sense to sit outside whilst you could instead of hiding out inside.

Someone sat down beside you and reached out to pull you into their side, it was Rick the guy who you had fallen for but never said anything until a good time after Lori.

"What are you doing out here?" he questioned, allowing you to get more comfortable next to him.

You sighed a little and looked up at him "I figured I might as well stay outside for as long as possible before we've got to be cooped up again" you explained.

He frowned before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead "We're safe here Y/N" he reassured you despite not sounding 100% sure himself "We can relax" he stated.

You shook your head in disagreement "We're not safe anywhere anymore Rick" you told him, moving to rest your head on his shoulder instead of looking up at him "We all know that" you clarified.

He sighed but pulled you closer slightly, rubbing his hand on your shoulder "This is the first time in a while that we're not running" he spoke in a comforting tone "We've got to make the most of it while we can"


Written by Hannah.

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