T e n

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Sorry for not updating in a while, I hope you don't hate me, I love youuuuuu <3


T e n 

I don't know how many times I read those twenty-three messages. Maybe twenty times in total. Maybe more. And as I read it for another time, I see a new message pop up. 

styles94: Daisy?

I gulp not knowing what to do. I want to continue building up my walls because I don't know what could happen next, and I want to prevent from the pain that this will lead to in the end. But thinking about his messages warms my heart. It truly makes a warm feeling bubble up inside of me.

He cares and I haven't had anyone care for me like that in a long while. 

I don't want to ignore Harry. It literally brings me pain every time I force myself not to go on Wattpad and not talk to the boy. He may have been a dick in the beginning but he is warming up to me, and it makes me feel worthy that he is taking his own personal time to send messages to me. It wouldn't be fair for Harry if I ignore him for a long time without an explication. 

Plus, I could still message him while building my walls up, right?

I go with my the feeling in my heart and place my fingers on the keyboard, typing slowly. 

daisyyy_: Daisy abstinence. Never heard that before. 

styles94: Oh my god, Daisy. I missed seeing your messages. Is everything alright? .x

daisyyy_: Yeah.

styles94: Don't 'yeah' me, Daisy. I could read you.

daisyyy_: What do you want me to say? 

styles94: How you really feel.

daisyyy_: I'm great. Better?

styles94: No, not better.

daisyyy_: Why not?

styles94: Because you didn't answer truthfully.

daisyyy_: And how would you know if I didn't? 

styles94: Because I know. I could read you.

daisyyy_: Stop with your 'reading me' shit again. 

styles94: Okay, sorry :( .x

styles94: But I am honestly really sorry for what I said before. It was wrong of me and regret saying it. I would take it back if I could .x

daisyyy_: Okay. 

daisyyy_: I have to go. Bye, Harry. 

styles94: Awww okay, bye Daisyyy .x

styles94: Hope you have a good day / evening / night <3 .xx

Truth is, I don't have to go anywhere. I just need time to think everything through. I don't want to act irrationally and get hurt in the end. I feel like I just need to lay down in bed for a few hours and think about everything. Because after all, in the end of the day, I don't know who this Harry person. He is a stranger to me and I am a stranger to him. 

But he is a stranger that makes me feel less lonely. 

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