F i f t y - t w o

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don't let that beautiful gif fool you haha 😜


F i f t y - t w o

It is 11:35 PM when I finally hear the door unlocking. Usually I am already asleep at this time, but I wanted to stay up so I can talk to Harry. 

Harry doesn't see me as he stumbles through the door and closes it behind him. I continue sitting on the sofa as I watch him place his messenger bag on the floor before taking off his coat and boots. He turns around and flinches when he sees me. 

"Oh fuck, Dais. You scared me," he raises his hand to his chest. Then he lets out a chuckle as he turns around to lock the door. I purse my lips to the side, clearly not amused one bit.

"How's your project going?" I ask. Harry walks into the kitchen so I follow behind. I could smell traces of beer radiating off of him.

"It's going fine," he looks at me and gives me a small grin as he pours some water into a glass. I lean against the counter, watching him drink the liquid. Once he gulps all of it down, he puts the cup in the sink and faces me again. "Why are you still up? You must be tired."

"I was waiting for you."

"You don't have to do that," he shakes his head.

"Why?" I ask him, the tone of my voice purposely having a slight edge to it.

"Because I want you to get enough sleep," he furrows his eyebrows at me from my change of behavior. "Are you okay?" He asks and steps a bit closer to me. I shake my head.

"No, I'm not, Harry." I pause and I see Harry is about to speak up, but I talk again before he can get his words out. "I don't understand why you always come home late. When was the last time we properly had dinner together? Oh yeah, it was during my birthday at my family's house four days ago." I cross my arms. "Are you really working on projects the whole time, or are you doing something else as well? Because surely, projects shouldn't take that long." I feel sort of bad for being this angry at him right now, but I can't help it. I have been feeling so frustrated for so long. I just don't understand what Harry could be doing that's more important than spending time with his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I had a few drinks with my mates. Is that so wrong?" Now it's his turn to become frustrated. "I spend a lot of time studying so I think I deserve to have fun with other people— Plus I'm in university, that's what university students do."

"Yeah well I think I deserve to have fun too since I'm working more than 50 hours a week. But where are you?"

"I think you can have fun without me," he huffs with amusement. I glare at him, surprised that just came out of his mouth.

"I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying, Harry—"

"Then what are you saying?" He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows.

"I'm saying, we hardly have time for each other anymore because you are always out in the evenings and you come home late every day."

"You're treating me like a child. What am I? Ten?!" I laugh for a good few seconds genuinely finding his words humourous. 

"Probably, because you're sure as hell acting like one." This makes Harry mad. He clenches his jaws and I could see his muscles in his arms bulging out. We just stare at each other, both of us heated with anger. We stay like that for a few more seconds until I had enough. I will be the bigger person and just leave. So I turn around and as I do I hear Harry chuckle.

"You know, you're reminding me of someone right now," Harry says after I take a few steps away from him.

"Who?" I look back with a threatening glare.

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