E p i l o g u e

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hi lovelies! thank you so much for being so patient for this long-awaited epilogue. i won't go on a rant to tell you why i haven't updated in 4 months (because who wants to hear that). it was school, but i am back and i am so excited for you to read this update. it will be a holiday special because it's only right :P but since there was already a christmas chapter, this one will be a new year's one, hope you don't mind :))

just to remind those who forgot, marcus is the guy who started talking to gemma at the wedding, and david and denise is daisy's parents :)

thank you so much for all your support. thank you for reading and voting and commenting, it means the absolute world to me! i love you so freaking much, you are amazing! i hope you have an amazing holiday!! ❤️


E p i l o g u e

- Three And A Half Years Later-

I sit on the sofa chair with little six-month-old Joey on my chest. I hum softly and watch his face as his eyes slowly droop close, finally going back to sleep after waking up an hour ago. I continue to rock him carefully in my arms, still humming as I wait for him to fully fall asleep. And a few minutes later, I smile with triumph when I hear his cute little deep breaths.

I stand up from the chair and walk over to the crib, delicately placing him on his back in the middle of the surface. I take a step back, the smile still on my face as I see him sleeping soundly in his elf onesie.

Instinctively, my hand rests on top of my growing belly. I cannot wait to be a mother.

"Dais?" I hear Harry's voice from the other side of the door. He turns the nob and door opens quietly, a smile immediately on his face when he sees me.

"I just got him to sleep." Harry closes the door to block the loud noise from the party happening downstairs and sneaks up behind me. We both look down at Joey as Harry rests his hand on top of mine.

"You're going to be such an amazing mother, babe."

"And you're going to be an amazing father," I whisper as I tilt my head up to look at my boyfriend.

"My brain still can't process the fact that we're going to have a baby boy." I nod my head, also feeling the same. 

Last week, we went to get an ultrasound and the doctor told us we are having a boy. When we heard the news we both had tears in our eyes. And when we told my mom, she cried with happiness.

"Just twenty more weeks to go." Harry leans down and presses a soft kiss on my forehead. I turn around and hold Harry's face in my hands, just observing his facial features. He's still handsome as ever with his green eyes, dimples, and cute nose. The only difference between then and now is that he has short hair and a scruffy stubble.

"How about the name Daniel?" Harry whispers. For a week he's constantly been suggesting boy names, and always at the most random times which I think is really adorable.

"Mmm," I shake my head. I need a name that stands out to me. A name that when I hear it, I know it is the one. And Daniel wasn't it, even though that name is a cute one.

I look back at Joey to make sure he's okay before we leave the room and carefully close the door behind us before joining the rest of the family back downstairs.

"Is he sleeping?" Sophie asks when she sees me.

"Yeah," I smile. When Joey woke up crying earlier, Sophie went upstairs to take care of him. But after twenty minutes I went up and asked if I can switch in to get some practice. And without hesitation, my sister-in-law said yes.

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