63| Deep Shit Part II

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True love, true love.

Thanks to -rainymood- for bringing this to my attention!


I remember a while ago, I'd written a rant called "All This Deep Shit" where lots of writers threw in stupid 'deep' stories to make their book seem...deep.

I recently bought a thesaurus, maybe it's about time I start using it.

Anyway, I expressed my anger stories like that because I found that they weren't from the heart, and for such topics such as illness...well, it needs to be sincere.

Talking to -rainymood-, I realised that there was another way in which it happens:

many of these authors romanticize illness.

Romanticize definition:

~ deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.

It annoys me no end, guys. It really does.

(Like a while ago I remember stumbling upon this comment (on Facebook) where there was a picture of JB with a cancer patient, and she'd said something along the lines of wishing she had cancer so that she could get to meet Justin Bieber.

No need to say that this infuriated me. But this wasn't on wattpad, so that's another story for another day.)

And, not only romanticizing them: I cannot deal with how many writers make stories about where the guy feels sorry for the girl after hearing that she has a disease.

And I ain't talking about the life-threatening ones like cancer or comas, yea.

I'm talking about the things that won't kill you: dyslexia or ADHD or bipolar.

Mental disorders, basically.

Hands up if you've met tons (or a few) of people with one of these?

Quite a few of my friends are dyslexic or have ADHD.

Now, does that change who they are as people? Because it honestly doesn't affect the way they behave for the ones I know

I mean yea, they've difficulty reading or they can't concentrate or something like that

And yea, it's difficult at times so anyone who's been affected by these, please don't think that I'm brushing you off at all.

Just hear me out.

So like I came across this book that really made the fact that the chick was dyslexic such an admirable thing.

So she was laughed for not knowing how to read

But then Harry Styles*, after coming to her rescue, seemed to fall in love with her because of her dyslexia

I mean it was literally mentioned in every FUCKING conversation they had, like it was freaking AIDS and she had only seven minutes to live, yea.



"I love you, whether or not you're dyslexic," Harry said.

"B-b-but I'm stupid," she replied, because apparently her stuttering came with the dyslexia.

"You're not stupid. Just mentally challenged, and that's okay." He gave me a hug and said it would be alright. "I'll teach you how to read, because I love you."

"You're the most a-a-mazing guy."


So like seriously, what is that?

These writers need to stop:

(a) making their minor illness such a big deal that it rules over her life.

Once again, I'm NOT saying that any dyslexic person is stupid because if anything, the ones I know are SMART.

But these stories make it seem like SUCH A BIG DEAL you actually wonder if she's going to die or something

(b) Making that illness the reason:

(i) people feel pity for them

(ii) Harry Styles falls in love with her.

I don't know but I think that for the people with mental diseases and stuff, the last thing they want is to be seen as different just because of that one minor factor.

Also, I don't think I would like if the only reason people were my friends was out of pity because I couldn't read

and tell me if I'm wrong but doesn't almost every dyslexic 16 year old KNOW how to read? Like yea, they may struggle, but they still know how to read goddamit!


Like you'll find a story where the girl has ADHD and she can never sit still EVEN under medication...EXCEPT WHEN SHE IS ON A DATE WITH ONE FUCKING DIRECTION OR SOME OTHER FANDOM

Omg 5SOS fan fics are on the rise people, brace yourselves.

So lastly, that disorder should NEVER be the reason that a guy should fall in love with her

Like honestly, are you falling in love with the girl or the disease?



Guys I'm going to boarding school next week and it's a new school so I have no idea whether there'll be wifi there...there better be or I'll just die:/


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