22| These Wattpad Parents

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These Wattpad Parents

Dedicated to @SapphireCelia333 because her possessiveness over these dots is profound and quite frankly, it makes my day.

but still guys dots have feelings and you're getting so violent now pls pls

And there's also Awaken12 who is so sweet xD she deserves stars. Like she really does. No one touch her stars.

★ ☆ ✮ ✯

Name: Wattpad Parents

Also Known As: Non-existent beings, Over-Understanding beings.


Likes and Hobbies: never being home, letting their kids drink and party all the time (and use their house), letting their kids go out on a daily basis (usually with a random person each time), asking no questions, waiting at the bottom of the stairway with a camera in hand during prom night.

Dislikes: these parents don't actually even have a personality.


Exhibit A: Common phrases they use:

"I know what it was like to be a teenager [so I'll let you do stupid things even though I know you'll get hurt]."

"Follow your heart." - when the daughter is crying over a guy.

"You're young! Live a little!" - usually when their daughter happens to be the good-straight-A's-innocent-every-parent's-dream-daughter, they say this when they feel their child has no social life. (But seriously, what's more important? These parents have got their priorities all wrong).

"You're beautiful." (All parents tell us this anyway).

Exhibit B: just go read these stupid books lol you won't find the parents.

Description: okay screw this stupid report file or whatever, lets cut to the chase.


Wattpad parents are literally the most unrealistic of all like they have no rules or whatever.

Like whose parents are like that?

Don't get me wrong, many books have believable parents in them. And I understand that parents are different and that they have different relationships with their children, but tell me if I'm wrong to say that all parents have the common aim of:

-Making sure their children live to a plausible age-

So I don't understand when these wattpad parents are just letting their kids go out to parties every night and letting them drink and giving them all the cash they need and letting them go to another town for a whole week with some random boys that she just met

And by 'letting' them, I mean that I don't even think they're involved in the decision.

They're always away doing something. Like you'll find the Mum in Burkina Faso and the Dad in Tennessee lol

Another thing is tha these parents are on the exact same level as their child, in the sense that they literally understand EVERYTHING that their child is going through. I swear these parents are teenagers in disguise or something.

There's no punishment because they totally get it!

I know we all dream of our parents being like that, but I think most of us would be dead by now or in a coma lol.

Thin is, no matter how many rules our actual parents impose on us, we still love them regardless because we know it's for the best bla bla bla

Being sentimental is not my thing.

So like yea I get that you dream of perfect parents, but that's never going to happen. They've got to annoy you and force you to study and not let you go to another town with random boys so you can be an acceptable part of society

But I seriously worry for these wattpad teenage characters because their parents are slacking.

The only people who only ever fight with their parents are these bad boys...and the good (prude) girl after she's become badass from chilling with the bad boy (but she only has one fight and then starts crying)


Usually popular in fan fics (Fml), these parents are so okay with letting a random girl live with them.

That's why everyone lives with one direction these days


-_- fuck off 1D -_-

So basically, yes, everyone lives with their favourite artist (1D) now.

And the authors have such creative ways of making that happen, by either:

(i) adoption


(ii) abduction

Or, we can turn the table around when their fave artist (1D) gets to live with he thirsty girl in the ways mentioned in rant #something I'm so tired of this 1D shit okay guys I promise no more of them in like 3 rants okay I promise

I will conclude these dot wars. Like you guys started naming them after One Direction; that's taking it too far now ;)

★ ☆ ✮ ✯

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