Proposal, hearted session!

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It was really awkward all the way driving back to my house. She understands the situation but I feel guilty. She loves me so much and I supposed to not take advantage on her and at the same time, I feel relieve... Thank God, I didn't do it.

After back to my room, I take a long bath; thinking about everything and I should do after this. I can't be selfish on both Jessy and Isabel. I need to put an end in this matter.

Walking out of my room, I was startled when I see Jessy inside my room. The only towel wrapped around me, so she diverted her sight from another side.

''I will come later'', she said shortly.

''I have something to talk with you. Just wait'', I told her.

She nodded, sitting at the side of the bed. I open my closet and taking out pants, putting on me. After that, I sit beside her. She didn't look up to my eyes but her expression looked dead.

''I kissed Isabel'', I spoke. She nodded understandingly; still didn't bother to see me. ''When I see those picture, I feel so angry. I wanted to blame you both for causing me like this. Why must I see that fucking pictures now? That's what I was thinking. I thought drinking might relieve me. So I drink. And Isabel came to accompany me but... things went out of control. We kissed and...''

''You no need to tell anything to me, Jay. I understand'', she cuts me off. ''He sent me those pictures too. Even I feel angry at myself seeing those picture. So I do understand your feelings. I don't come here to justify my actions'', she looked up to see me. Her eyes were looking serious and I can feel that she's hiding her pains behind her eyes.

''If something happens to me, please take care of my daughter'', my expression changed with her words. ''Among everyone, I trust you most. So... do this one favor for me'', she stands up.

''I take leave then'', when she about to walk, I grab her hand. I walk her towards my closet and open the door.

''do you know what is that?'', I ask pointing one small box I put inside my closet. ''Every day I never forget to see it because I've bought it long ago.... Five years back to give it to you'', I told her.

''Nothing happened between me and Isabel'', Jessy's eyes travel from the box to me

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''Nothing happened between me and Isabel'', Jessy's eyes travel from the box to me. ''Honestly, I want to have sex with her, I kissed her and I was quite drunk and I was pissed off but....'', I stare at her emotionally. ''I couldn't do it, Jessy... I couldn't punish myself, Isabel,'', I cupped her cheeks.

''let's get marry'', I told her directly and she looked shocked, her eyes widen and I can feel her heart beating loudly against her chest. ''I want to marry you because I love you so much. I can't afford any more of outsiders spoiling our relationship. Those pictures?'', I smirked. ''I don't fucking care about it because all I care is about you.... And if she thinks I will cut my relationship with you, then she's damn so fucking wrong'', pearl-shaped tears rolling down her cheeks.

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