Past haunted back

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''don't worry. He's fine. He vomited everything and we already clean his stomach'', Doctor's words make everyone relieved.

We enter his room. I saw Mr Erickson who is looking weak with a bucket on his hand. Soon after he sees me, he searches around. Grabbing a plate beside him, he throws it on me. I dodge it.

''Damn you... you tried to kill me!!'', he tried to shout but coughed.

'''s not my fault....'', I said innocently.

How can it be my fault if he drinks it without checking it?

Everyone turned to see him. I bow down my head embarrassingly. Mr Holden, Andrew, Finlay, Dev, Elina, and Leah are inside. They started to laugh.

''Jesus Jay, can't you differentiate between poison and isotonic drinks?'', Dev was tapping Mr Erickson's shoulder while laughing.

''I can't believe you were admitted because of a poison'', Elina added while laughing.

''Aarrgghhh... God, kill me now. Both drinks were bitter damn it!!'', he groaned and everyone laughed again.

''s...sorry'', I said guiltily.

''Sorry? Why the heck you didn't inform me earlier?'', he asked pissed off.

''N...No... I try to warn you but... since you were busy talking to Mr Dev, I postpone'', I explain.

''P....Postpone? You mean after I die?'', he punched the bed.

''Oh My God, that's hilarious'', Dev suddenly hugged me while laughing. ''I really like you''

''Me too'', Elina supported.

''Are you guys even my friends?'', Mr Erickson looked exasperate.

''Mr Erickson, get well soon'', Holden said it while holding his laugh. ''I.... g....go out first'', he runs out while laughing followed my Leah.

Mr Erickson face was flushed in red. Poor guy... everyone was making fun of him but honestly, seeing his condition really make everyone to laugh.

Mr Erickson was sleeping when I enter his room. He's perfectly alright but he needed rest. That's what doctor stated. We brought him back after one hour stayed in the hospital.

''M...Mr Erickson'', slowly I touch his shoulder. ''Mr Erickson'', I raised my voice.

He jolted awake. ''damn, what's the matter?'', he still looked angry on me.

'' need to eat, sir'', I show him the porridge I brought for him.

''Put it there. I will eat'', he replied.

''No, you have to eat medicines so....''

''Can you leave me alone?''

''s...sorry...'', I sighed.

He lifted up his body. Sitting on the chair beside the bed, I was watching him eating the porridge. Leah told me that I have to stay until he eats.

''I'm eating. Can you go now?'', he groaned.

''No I need to make sure you eat your medicines'', I still stick with my decision.

He suddenly coughed. Grabbing the glass, I gave it to him. ''drink it, Mr Erickson'', I help him to drink and my other hand was softly hitting his head. ''you OK?'', I sit beside him on the bed. He turned to see me with his breathtaking eyes.

''why you hit my head?'', he asked me.

''h....huh.... sorry... my mom used to do like this if we cough and we started to follow her'', I say hesitantly.

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