Annoying Siblings

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Back to the house, Esme was eagerly asking about my job. To not make worry about my jackass boss, I just said it's amazing.

''You can do Jessy... trust yourself'', I encouraged myself when I look my reflection in the mirror. Today is my first day of work.

  Dear God, don't put me in so much of troubles, please....

Entering the big palace, I feel like in heaven. It's absolutely stunning like the owner.

''good morning Jessy'', Leah greeted me happily.

''good morning Leah...'', I replied. ''so... what should I do now?''

''Mr Erickson is not around. He went abroad for some business trip and will be back on next Tuesday'', she informed. ''your first job is to wake up the kids and urge them to get ready''

''kids? He has kids?'', I asked shockingly. Damn, he's married?

''No. He's not married. Yet'', she replied.

Ooff... what a relief... Wait... why should I care for that?

''they are his step-siblings'', she didn't proceed further and I don't want to dig into his family matters since it's not my problem.

Their room is located on the first floor, last room. Opening the door, suddenly something drops on me, dripping me with the water. Jesus... a bucket? I was walking with no direction while trying to take off this fucking bucket from my head. After takeoff the bucket, I see one little boy in front of me, laughing at me. He would probably five years old but damn that little Satan...

''catch me if you can'', he runs forward and when I step forward, I slip onto something slippery and fell back. Oucchh.... My poor butt.....

''Serve you right'', he was sticking his tongue to me while jumping on the bed.

''Jesus... what is happening here?'', I heard Leah's voice behind me. She came beside me and help me to stand. ''Jessy, are you OK?'', she asks in concern.

Biting my lip to bear the irritating pain on my back, I nodded heavy heartedly.

''Finlay, do you want me to inform Mr. Erickson about your act?'', Leah grabs her hip while looking serious.

Finlay bows down his head while pouting his mouth. I realize that another person who is on the bed. There is a headphone on his ear and he was swinging his head back and forth as nothing happened here. This guy must be around 14 or 15 years old.

''Andrew!!'', Leah raised her voice. Andrew opens his eyes. He turns to see us. ''go and get ready!!'', she ordered. He smirked. My blood is boiling seeing his reaction. Without saying anything, he enters the bathroom along with Finlay.

Leah then brings me to the downstairs back. After exchange my dress to another uniform, I dry my hair using a towel.

''they are always being rebellious when Mr Erickson is not around'', she sighed heavily.

''Are they his siblings?'', I asked curiously.

''Yes... Andrew is the eldest, 14 years old whereas Finlay is six years old. They never listen to anyone and always try to prank others except with Mr Erickson'', she shakes her head.

''hmm... I know this is quite personal.... But does Mr Erickson's father has two wives?'', I asked curiously. Leah turned to see me, looking hesitate to tell me. ''I promise I won't tell anyone about this'', I stated.

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