His smile

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As always, the kids' room is always in mess. Andrew and Finlay went out together, don't know where the hell they went. Grabbing Finlay's bag, something dropped out from his bag. It was a letter of invitation for parents.

Seems like he has some program in his school next Saturday

Time shows 6 pm when I walked downstairs after clean the upstairs floor and bath Hart, Mr. Erickson's dog. He's a friendly person and always lick around my face. I love him so much.

''Leah, I take leave first'', I informed her.

''Ok Jessy... take care...'', she smiled.

Mr. Erickson enter the house when I was walking out from his house.

''Hey, bring me coffee'', he ordered.

''My work finished sir...'', I informed.

''I don't fucking care. I want a cup of coffee. Do you get me Miss Booby?'', there he is. 

Him and his annoying character.

Exasperatedly, I was making coffee for him in the kitchen. Leah probably went back to her room to take some rest. I stopped when I about to put sugar in it.

''ha ha ha... you want a drink, is it? Let me give you the real coffee'', I put salt instead of sugar. Mr. Erickson was at his study table when I enter his room.

''Sir, your coffee''

''Put it there'', he instructed.

As he said, I put the coffee on the table. Quickly I walk out from his room but hide behind the door to see his expression. He seems concentrating on reading the file. After few minutes, he finally grabs the hold of the mug and takes a sip from the coffee. And he spills out while coughing.

''Fuck'', he cursed.

Serve you right, Mr. Rude...

I run out from his room. What a relief to prank him!!

The next day, as usual, I enter Mr. Erickson's house. After exchange for my uniform, I helped Leah to prepare for the breakfast.

''you purposely doing it yesterday isn't it?'', Mr. Erickson suddenly appears in front of the counter.

''excuse me, sir... I don't get it'', I said innocently.

''fuck you Jessy'', he left angrily. I chuckled seeing his expression.

''Jeez... Why you always pick a fight with him?'', Leah shakes her head.

''He's exaggerating'', I shrugged.

''Jessy, I need your help. I won't be around for a few days. Can you stay here to take care of things?'', she requested.

''hmmm.... Ok, Leah....'', I agreed heavy heartedly. If Leah is not around, I feel like I lost two hands. She was a great help for me while I'm here.

After Leah left the house, I proceed with cleaning the house. Since I don't know much about cooking, I order the food from outside. Andrew and Finlay ate it after back from their school.

''Andrew, where are you going?'', I stopped Andrew who is walking out from the house.

''None of your business'', he passed through me.

Although I don't want to care but still what if he becomes a drug addict? This is very wrong.... No, this is not my problem.... Just leave it.

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