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''Jay, I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry'', I knelt down in front of him; crying, pleading him to forgive me. The nausea swirled unrestrained in my empty stomach. My head swam with half-formed regrets. My heart felt as if my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. I felt emotionally bankrupt. The was nothing left to feel, nothing left to say, nothing left but the void that enveloped my mind in swirling blackness.

He was standing against his window; showing his back to me. The man standing now has been torn apart. When he looks my way I can see he's one more blow away from breaking. I was the reason he was tormented.... How stupid I am to not believe him? How fool I am to believe them?

He trusted me, he begged me to believe him, he cares for me..... he loved me but I destroyed it. I was not there when he needed me the most. I betray his trust yesterday. Everyone is inside this office room. Andrew, Fin, Dev, Elina and..... Isabela Morin, Jay's new PA three month back. The one I thought he's having affair.

She was looking at me sadly. Her eyes show her care for me. She was feisty but a good girl. I failed to understand her nature. When she was appointed as his PA, I never had anything against her. Even when Tanya connected them both and talked that they were having affair behind me, I didn't believe her. She told me that Jay will leave me after the sex like what happened to her. Of course, I don't trust her. I thought she was acting because of her jealousy. But then I heard the same thing from Aria and Esme. They told me that they saw Jay and Isabela together many times. My suspicion starts to grow slowly.

When I confronted Jay, he told me that nothing was going on between them personally and defended her. Isabela was a not only beautiful but smart and organized person. She won't scare for anyone, she never afraid to speak up if there's a mistake.... Maybe that's the reason why I feel insecure on her. I started to compete myself with her. Not to mention when I asked Jay to fire her and he refused to do it, I felt angry; my anger reached the peak.

Last month, they were trapped by someone. Isabella received a call from Jay who asked her to come to a hotel room to meet a client. Same goes to Jay who receives a call from Isabela who asking for him to come to the hotel room to meet a client urgently. When he enters the room, he saw some guys trying to rape her and he beat them all. After they run away, he gave his shirt to her since her dress has been torn apart. And when they both wanna leave, many reporters and Medias started to snap pictures of them; being together.

The news went viral; telling that Jay has affair with Isabela. Everyone believed it includes me. The only person that believed Jay was Andrew and Fin. Even Dev and Elina took my side. Everyone knows that he's a playboy. I insulted him in front of everyone, humiliate him when he tried to explain.... I was blinded my own anger.

Since people started to assault her, Jay brings her to the house; make me hate him more. Of course, I left the house after the news and stayed with Elina. And Tanya suddenly came to me, stay by my side and told me that she understands my feelings. I believed her.... I believe all of her words. That's how I know Emanuel, Tanya's best friend and also Jay's friend. I know him well since he used to come to Jay's house last time.

It turns out that Tanya was the one who planned everything from inside. She wanted to take revenge on him for not accept her in his life. She sets people to help her. Since she knows I'm closer to Esme and Aria, she purposefully set a couple to act like Jay and Isabela, lead them to Esme and Aria, so that they will believe Jay was having affair behind me. It was too late when I get to know the truth.

Aria invited me over a bar, to make me feel better. Tanya, Elina, Dev, and Emanuel joined me too. Esme joined me too but left shortly since she has to take care of her daughter. I supposed to touch the alcohol but I was too in pain thinking about Jay and I had few drinks, make me drunk. The last thing I knew was dancing in the crowd with Emanuel whom I felt him as Jay.

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