Damn, it's huge

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God, what I've done? He's going to terminate me for sure...

''Everyone, go back to your work'', Holden instructed. He's the head of the guards and despite his 45 years old but he's tough and rough among everyone. Leah told me that he was in the military once.

''you supposed to call me first'', he shakes his head.

''it's too late now...'', I sighed sadly.

He didn't say anything because that's the truth right at the moment.

''go back first. He will talk to you later'', he walks out from the place.

''Well, how's my little trick?'', Andrew was standing in front of me. ''this is what you got for hurting my brother, bitch'', he smirked.

''Serve you right'', Finlay stuck out his tongue to me mockingly.

No point talking to them. He acted childishly to remove me from this house. Guess what? He did it!!

Time struck 8 am. When I was walking to the kitchen, I saw Leah there. God, thank God, she came back. Without breaking, I explained everything to her. it was not my fault and she should know it.

''I don't know what to say, Jessy... they are too much but I don't think Mr. Erickson will forgive you'', she said sadly. I was disappointed with her words. ''but don't worry ok... let me try to talk with him'', she assured and I nodded.

Mr Erickson came to the dining table around 9 am. He was just looking at his tab; scrolling down and trying something. Thankfully, no injury on his head. He looks fine. Unexpectedly, the kids came without me to wake them up. Normally someone has to wake them but today was a miracle.

Since Leah ushered me to bring the bowls to the table, I just agreed without having any choice. I had to work no matter how much I wanted to avoid him. I was standing behind when Leah was serving the food to three of them. Everyone was eating silently.

The weirdest part is, Mr Erickson didn't even turn to see Andrew and Finlay who are sitting opposite him. He was just doing his work; eating and looking at his tab.

''Mrs Copeland'', Mr Erickson lifted up his head to see Leah who is beside me. I bow down my head automatically.

''y...yes sir?'', Leah looked quite surprised.

''I guess we need to buy the grocery. There's nothing much in the fridge and shelves'', he stated calmly.

''yes sir... I will arrange it as soon as possible'', she replied.

''good'', he said.

''That's all you want to say?'', Andrew suddenly spoke.

Whoa... miracle does happen!

''what else you want me to say?'', Mr Erickson was eating his food. ''Speaking of which, I received a call from your principal though'', leaning against his chair, his eyes looking cold. ''you bunk your school for about one week? What do you think about yourself? Money comes from the tree?'', he said sarcastically.

''fine, I will go to the school. I want you to fire her!'', he pointed me angrily. Mr Erickson didn't bother to turn to see me. His eyes were only looking at Andrew. ''she hits you, embarrass you in front of everyone and why the hell you still keeping her here?'', he asked.

Damn that son of bitch... he purposely doing this!!

''Not enough reason to fire her... yet'', he smirked. ''plus, looking how eagerly you wanted to fire her, I decided one thing. She will be here!'', he added.

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