Kiss x Kiss

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God, everything is doomed. Our hard work for few days.... I don't care about myself but my employees were working hard for this project. Shit!!

I punched the floor angrily. My workers are looking at me. I can feel it but my eyes were looking on some papers that we couldn't save. My mind is so in messed now. Anger boiled deep in my system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and I know it's too much for me to handle. The pressure of this raging sea of anger would force me to say things I do not mean.

It's all because of her. I should have fired her long ago!!

No wait....

''I don't need your fucking sorry. You know what. I'm done with you and your fucking stupidity. You are fired!!

I fired her....

''Shit!!'', I curse under my breath. When I about to go, Tanya grabs my hand.

''Jay, it's ok... don't worry... She deserves it anyway'', she talked.

Taking off my hands from her, I rushed out to downstairs.

''Holden, where is her?'', I asked Holden who is at the gateway. ''where the hell is here? Did you stop her?''

''Mr Jay, who are you talking about?'', Holden looked puzzled.

''Jessy, damn it!! I... I accidentally fired her'', I said sadly. ''I didn't mean it'', I run my hand in my hair.

''Mr Erickson, calm down'', Holden said. ''I didn't see her coming out from the house. Maybe she's still inside'', he informed.

Maybe she's packing her things. I walked back inside. Her room on the first floor. Opening her door, I saw her lying beside the bed, crying while hugging her knees

 Opening her door, I saw her lying beside the bed, crying while hugging her knees

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Calm down Jay.... Don't spoil anything....

When I close the door, she gets startled and lifted up her head. Clearly, she was shivering to see me. Standing up, she bows down her head.

''s....sorry...'', she whispered while sobbing.

''I'm... thirsty. Bring me coffee'', I instructed.

She looked surprised with my words. Nodding happily, she walks out from the room. I sighed, sitting down on the bed. She comes back after some time. Still standing up, she didn't even see me but just bow down her head.

''sit down'', I spoke while sipping my tea.

'''s ok'', she looked hesitate.

''Can you shut up and sit down here?'', I said exasperatedly. She then slowly walk towards me and sit beside me. I saw her keep knotting her fingers.

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