Moving Out

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''Jessy sis, are you OK?'', Andrew was holding my arm. I sit on the bench beside me, adapting the shocking experience I had just now. Andrew walks away from me to call someone. I don't know but I just want to be alone at this moment.

What she meant by I will see more after this? And how she knows about me?

Without I realize I was already walking towards my car. Shit, I forgot about Andrew. Quickly I turned back but suddenly something thud beside me. And then I heard many gunshots around. I was too stunned to move and closing my eyes, I cover my ears with my hand. But I still hear the shooting sound. Before I realize someone dragged me to another side.

''Jessy, look at me'', hearing that voice, I open my eyes. Jay was in front of me.

''Jay'', tears streaming down from my eyes. Suddenly the bullet sound heard again. It pierced on the body of the car, I guess. Jay embraced me in his arms. If I'm not wrong, he probably pulls me before a car to avoid the gunshot. I feel hyperventilation and the last thing I knew, I fell in Jay's arms.

''I'm going to kill that bitch!!'', I heard Jay's angry tone. Opening my eyes, I saw him talking with Mr Holden. God, I miss this guy very much. Jay's bodyguard and he's a father figure for everyone. Jay walks out without realizing about me.

''Jessy'', Mr Holden comes beside me. ''Are you OK?''

''I miss you'', I replied. Smiling, he strokes my hair. ''me too, dear. Are you OK?'', he asks.

I nodded. ''Is everyone OK? How's Andrew?''

''He's fine...'', he replied. I felt relieved. ''Take rest'', he walks out after said it.

Tilly and Andrew enter my room. Currently, I'm in a hospital. I passed out because of fear.

''God, sis, you're ok'', Tilly hugged me.

''I'm fine. Andrew, I'm sorry.... I thought something happens to you too'', I let a sigh.

''No sis. I'm fine. Before I realize someone releases their bullet. Before I come, Jay came and drag you behind a car. Thank God'', he stated.

''Yes sis... Thank God nothing happened like those two men'', Tilly said.

''Tilly'', Andrew interfered.

''what happen?'', I ask.

''n...nothing...'', Tilly lied.

''tell me. Did anyone get hurt?'', I ask seriously. Andrew and Tilly looked hesitant. ''Tell me, damn it'', I raised my voice.

''Two guys were injured badly. One guy is out of danger but another one is in critical condition'', Andrew's words gasped me in shock. God, it's because of me. I was their target but...

''what happens?'', I heard Jay's voice from the doorway.

''I slipped my tongue....'', Tilly said guiltily.

''The other guy is saved'', his talked. I turned to see him. ''doctor just confirmed it'', he says while looking at him. I nodded.

Julissa is in the house with Finlay and Isabel. Since I'm perfectly fine, Jay brings me and others back to my shop house. There are few guards guarding around my shop.

Julissa slept off in my arms. Leaning down, I kissed her forehead. When I was walking down, I saw Jay who was talking with Mr Holden. Also, I saw Dev besides Jay whereas Andrew, Finlay, Isabel and Tilly are at besides the counter. There are two more guards behind Mr Holden.

''No one knows that I'm in this city. That's why I don't bring any bodyguards with me. It was highly confidential. But how can she knows about it?'', Jay looked serious.

''Or her target is not you, Jay but Jessy'', Dev interferes.

''Mr Dev is correct'', Mr Holden agreed.

''I don't know what she wants anymore'', Isabel looked pissed off. ''she already makes so many chaoses. Now, this? She wanted to take revenge no matter what!''

''But why she didn't kill when she had the chance?'', Andrew interfere. ''she was pointing that gun on her and it was just a moment to pull the trigger!'', he added.

''Maybe she wants to do something else....'', Dev replied.

''She is a psycho. Might do anything to satisfy her needs'', Jay looked cold. ''My mistake. I supposed to bring guards with me. I want her by any cost'', Jay ordered.

My phone rings and everyone turned to see me. Everyone gets silent all of sudden. Taking out my phone, I answer the call.

''Miss Jessy, are you OK?'', Parker's father, Mr Green sounded anxious.

''Yes sir... I'm fine'', I replied.

''Jessy, listen to me carefully'', he whispered slowly. ''I regret to give birth to a monster. I'm really sorry, Jessy. He was the one who tries to kill you'', his words make me shocked.


''Yes dear... I heard his conversation with his friend. He was angry since he missed to kill you. I don't know how he got that gun but he was still keeping it. Please be careful. If can, move out from this place. It's dangerous'', he warned and then ended his call.

''Jessy sis'', Tilly's voice snapped me out. I looked up to her. ''who called you?'', she asked.

I didn't say anything. My eyes travel to Jay who is looking at me. Can I be able to survive without you? My phone rings again. Thankfully, it's from Mr Watt.

''Jessy, I heard everything. Are you OK there?'', he asked me worriedly.

''Yes Mr Watt... I got something to ask you...Hold on a sec'', I said as I walking out from the shop.

''Tell me Jessy''

''Mr Watt... Parker was the one who tried to.... Kill me that time'', I said. My hands are trembling thinking about the incident.

''That fucking bastard!!'', Mr Watt looked angry.

''It's dangerous for me here. I want to move out from here, Mr Watt''

''I understand Jessy. Let me talk with Adrian first. I'm sure he can arrange a place for you'', he replied.

''thank you Mr Watt... I don't know how I should repay you. Thank you very much'', I said in a grateful tone.

''No Jessy.... don't say that. You are like my daughter too. I would do anything to help you'', he stated.

I smile. ''Ok Mr Watt''


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