Dear Diary

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After the long meeting, we went back to our room respectively. Indeed it was tiring but I don't know how I fell asleep. Waking up, I saw time shows 7.30 pm.

Damn, she says she has a date today!! I suppose to spoil her plan...

Taking a quick bath, I rushed to her bakery shop. Ringing the bell, I was praying to God, hoping that she didn't leave this place yet. Opening the door, revealing Julissa.

''You didn't come to the coffee shop today. I was waiting for you'', she looked upset.

''h...huh... sorry... did you ask me to come?''

''no.... I just thought you will be there'', she shrugged.

''Tomorrow I will be there... promise'', I stated. She smiles. ''Umm.... Where is Jessy?'', I ask her.

''She went out with Uncle Adrian'', her words disappointed me. Damn, I'm late.... How can you fall asleep Jay? Curse you!!

''don't worry... they are just best friends'', she smirked.

''I...d...don't think about it though'', I cover my expression.

''Yeah right... get in'', she invited.

Tilly brings coffee to me. She looks like a carefree teenager but I guess she went through a lot too. Somehow I admire them all very much.

''so... you want some cupcakes?'', Tilly asked.

''no... I just hurmm... yeah, for cupcakes'', I smile lightly.

''hahaha.... Chill. Jessy sis just regards him as a friend. Not more than'', she taps my shoulder like patting a small kid.

''Am I that obvious?'', I whispered to Julissa and she nodded. ''crystal clear'', she stated.

Someone rings the bell again. Unexpectedly Andrew and Finlay came to meet Jessy too. Andrew was talking with Tilly. Seems like both of them are the same age and were talking about their college life. I wonder whether they like each other. Love at first sight uh? I grinned at myself.

Finlay was playing maze with Julissa. Seems like they get along well. I walked to Jessy's room and roam around. I know it's wrong but I was curious. Opening her drawer, I found a diary.

Dear Diary,

Now I'm in eight months. I'm carrying this child and eagerly waiting to welcome her in this world. I'm learning to make cupcakes from grandma. Tilly was good to me and somehow I still feel alone. I miss Jay so much. I know how much I hurt him. I betrayed his trust. There is no forgiveness for me. I have tried to throw him out of my head. But he keeps coming every night. I don't know if I should really call it a nightmare. Because I always wake up before I get to see the part where I saw his devastating face. Maybe I can never get rid of it, or maybe I don't want to. It's the only part of him I can hold on to. And every time I see him I revise through all the other options I had. What's done is done. I can't ever change that. I let him haunt me every night, so I can still have part of him and hope that one day he will forgive me.

I flip another page.

Dear Diary,

I gave birth to a wonderful baby girl. God knows how I feel right at the moment. Indeed the pain was greater but worth to suffer for. My newborn baby smile was as sweet as a summer strawberry and filled me with a sunshine I never knew existed in the world. I felt angry for myself for thinking about abortion last time. I went to the hospital every day after heard my pregnancy news. I felt disgusted and even curse her many times. Now I'm regretting it seeing her warm face. Deep in my heart, I wish she's Jay's daughter. But one mistake changes everything. I broke his heart into pieces and I can never join it back. By accepting my baby, am I betraying him more? I miss him so much.... I'm sorry, Jay... I'm really sorry.

My heart aches to see her words. My head swam with half-formed regrets. My heart felt as if my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. I continue reading it.

What should I name her? If I had a child with Jay, I would have been named her based on Jay's. So, even though she's not his child but I still want her to carry his first alphabet. A name starting with J. After think deeply, I found a name for her. JULISSA. JULISSA JAYME JENKINS.

I didn't expect this. She named her middle name based on me. In every page, she never forgets to mention about me.

Dear Diary,

Today I met him. The guy I love so much. The one I don't deserve at all. He was kissing someone else. I guess.... He moved on, isn't it? I want him to be happy. Isabel is the right girl for her. She was there for him when he needed someone. She believed him when no one else did it. I just want him to be happy. When he said he likes me, I thought everything will be alright. But he never confesses his love for me. I felt insecure back then, I always had a second thought that he will leave me one day or maybe I just don't trust him fully. That's the very first reason for our break up. And when I saw Isabel as his PA, my insecurity increase. But still, I trust him. It was broken when Esme and Aria told me that they saw Jay and Isabel together many times. Little did I don't know that it was all Tanya's plan. I was devastated more when I found myself with another man, not beside Jay. Only God knows what happened on that night. I was drunk and I felt high. The last thing I know I was dancing without my consent. It feels like my body is moving without my permission and I felt like I was seeing Jay, not someone else. I swear to God I saw him before me and maybe that's why it happened without my consent. I still remember Jay's face when he found me with someone else.... I still remember.... Now, I'm facing my karma. One thing for sure, even if he forgives me, I won't ever forgive myself. Even if he wanted to accept me, in case, if that miracle happens, I can't ever accept him. Not because I don't want but that's how it should be....

I flip the last page.

Dear Diary,

Today was one of the greatest moment of my life. I talked with Jay and I realize how.....

''You know it's wrong to read another's privacy'', I was startled with a voice. Quickly I close the diary. Holy shit, I get caught by a little girl. Julissa was at the doorway; crossing her arms while looking at me seriously.

''I... d...didn...t... a....actually....''

She chuckles. ''put it back before mom comes back if you don't want her to kill you'', she teased. I put the diary back to its place.


''I don't mind it actually but mom don't like if someone touches this book'', she shrugged. ''if you worry about her and Uncle Adrian, let me tell you a secret'', she gets up to the bed; sitting beside me.

''what secret?'', I asked.

''If I tell you, what can I get?'', she smirked. This little girl....

''What you want?''

She shows her palm. ''I want a hundred chocolates'', she demanded.

''Deal'', I smiled.

''Once I heard their conversation. Uncle Arian told mom that he's gay'', her words make me shocked but soon I was overjoyed.

''hahaha.... Look at you'', she laughed grabbing her stomach. ''you like her don't you'', she asked.

I didn't answer her straight away. My mind is thinking about everything. When I turned back to see Julissa, she was lying on my arm. I didn't even realize about it. Taking her slowly in my arms, I put her on the mattress. She's adorable. Jessy was right. Seeing her face, I feel calm.

''goodnight baby'', leaning down I kiss her forehead.

When I'm at the balcony, I saw Jessy who is walking from Adrian's car. She waves her hand to him. She waits until the car leaves and when she was walking towards the door, I saw that son of the bitch, Parker appears from nowhere; grabbing her hand, pushing her to the wall behind. Even after I warned him!!

He's so death now!!

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