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Ty's POV

Now I may seem to be going hard on Y/n. But I'm not. I told her she couldn't go out because of how she acted the other day. But any other day I wouldn't care. It's just Lauren's been kinda overprotective over her nowadays. I don't know what it is but she won't tell me. I ask and she just gets an attitude and glares. Watch. "Babe?" She hummed and looked at me. "Why are you all of a sudden being really strict on Y/n? You won't let her do anything." I asked her. Like I expected she glared at me.

"Did I ever ask you why you raised Jailynn the way to did?" She asked. Before I could answer. She cut me off. "No! So don't ask me shit!" Lauren got up and stormed off to the kitchen. See what I mean. She's scary. I don't know if she's on her period. I don't want to see her pregnant. She may kill me in my sleep. "Tell Y/n to come down to eat." She told me. I let out a sigh and got up. "Always making me do the hard work." I mumbled. "Come again?" Lauren asked as she poked her head out the kitchen. My eyes widened. "Nothing. I said I love you." I quickly said.

"Mhm..." She said before going back in. I jogged upstairs and went to Y/n. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. But I just got silence back. So I knocked again. Maybe she fell asleep. I opened the door to see but I just saw a empty bed. What the fuck. I checked her bathroom which was empty too. Her window was open tho. Letting me know she snuck out. We would've known if she came downstairs cause the stairs had a loud ass creak. I'll check the security camera.

I went back downstairs to check the footage. And sure enough Y/n got on her bike and left. "What are you looking at?" Lauren asked. "Y/n. She snuck out." I told her. "What!" She screamed. "I know. I checked her room and she wasn't there. But the window was wide open. So I checked the cameras and she got on her bike and left." I explained.

"I'm going to kill her! You better get her before I do! Who does she think she is!?" Lauren said angrily. "Babe calm down please." I told her. Wrong move. "Don't tell me to fucking calm down! You calm down!" She yelled. "Ok I'm sorry. I'll go find her and bring her home." I said grabbing my keys. "You better." She said



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