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So I'm in the shower minding my own business. You know getting clean cause I don't want to stink. But that peace was ruined when Amber ripped the curtains. "Amber what the heck. It's freezing out there." I said and put as much as my body under the hot water. "Babe hurry up. You know I'm supposed to be going to your moms." She whined. "Baby I just got in the shower." I said. "Well you've been in here for five minutes now. Your taking to long." She said angrily. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I knew this was just her hormones getting to her. "Alright baby. Give me ten minutes and I'll be out." I said making her groan. "But I'm going to be late." She said. "You won't. Can I please clean my nuts first?" I asked calmly. "Fine. I'm timing you too?" She said and walked out. "Love you!" I yelled and closed the curtains back.


When we got to my mom and dads place I was kinda excited. Excited cause I could some time away from Amber. I love her but she's been mad at me all day. Hopefully my mom can put her in a good. As I laid back on couch I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked back. My dad signaled for me to follow him. So I did and he lead me to the stairs. "Your brothers getting dressed right now so we three can leave. I think you need a break from your girl." He told me.

"Please! She's been on my ass all day." I said making him chuckle. "You'll get used to it. Now go wait in the car." He tossed me his keys. "I love you dad." I said and hurried out the house.


My dad took us to a paint ball place. Now I know what your thing. Why is Nicholas out here playing. Well I don't know. He's not my son. But my dad rented out the place so it's just the three of us going against each other. "Alright we all know the rules. The person who got shot the least wins. Any questions?" Dad asked. "Can we get a prize if we win?" Nicholas ask. "That's if you can win." I said. "I will. I bet twenty dollars." Nicholas said. "Alright little man. I'll put eighteen in too." I said. Dad did the same thing. "Alright the clock just started. We got two minutes to hide before the match begins." Before anyone else moved I was already across the large room.


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