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"Y/n come on!" Mommy said from the porch. "I coming mommy!" I shouted back. Today is my birthday. I'm three now. I closed the door to the car and ran to the porch. When I got there I wrapped my arm around mommy leg. I smushed my face on her leg and growled like a tiger. "Roar!" I growled making her laughing. "Don't hurt me little tiger." She said. "I not." I said giggling. "I really need to do your hair. It's just a messy fro." She said running her fingers through my hair. "No thank you mommy." I said cause I already did my hair. I'm a big girl. "I know I know. I want mess with your hair. Let's go inside now." She said.

She opened the door and let me walk in first. "Turn the light on mommy." I told her. "Ok. You ready?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah. It's just light." I said. "So sassy." She said and turned on the lights. "SURPRISE!" People jumped out and shouted. I screamed and fell on my butt. But I started laughing when I saw everybody. "Y'all scared me." I said. Mommy helped me back up as they laughed. "Look who's here nugget." Mommy said and pointed. "Nana!" I ran over to her and hugged her. "Hey grandmas baby. Happy birthday." She said and I thanked her.

"Are you enjoying your birthday so far?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah. Mommy took me to get ice cream." I told her. "Oh really. Was it good?" I nodded. We talked some more before I went to talk everyone else. "Sister you came." I said and hugged Jailynn. "Other sister." I went and hugged Dinah. I hugged Tete Mani and Ally too. "Daddy you came too." I said and hugged him. "Of course is came. I wouldn't miss it." He said and kissed my head.

After playing and around with Skylar, it was finally cake time. I had a Winnie the Pooh cake. I blew out the candles and then we ate some. "Is it good baby?" Mommy asked. "Yeah! Can I have some more?" I asked. "Since it's your birthday you can." I cheered as she got me another piece. "Say cheese little bit." Dinah said. "Cheese!" I said with a big smile and she took the picture. Now we are opening gifts. I got a lot. "Ok you have one more gift nugget. Ready?" Mommy asked. "Yeah!" I said excitedly.

"Look over there." She pointed. I looked and Winnie the Pooh came out. "Pooh bear!" I yelled and ran to him. I hugged his leg. "Hello Y/n. I heard it was your birthday and I wanted to bring you some gifts." He said. He gave me a bag that had toys and clothes in it. "Don't forget the honey." He said and handed me a small jar of it. "Thank you pooh bear." I thanked him. Best birthday ever.


"SURPRISE!" I jumped and fell on the ground. "Oh my gosh! Y'all scared the heck out of me." I said and held my heart. I still laughed tho. My dad helped me off the ground. "Go have fun." He said. Skylar walked over with a huge smile. "Happy birthday. How does it feel to be thirteen?" Skylar asked me. I shrugged. "The same as yesterday when I was twelve. Am I supposed to feel different?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me. "So what do you want to do first? There's the inflatable water slide, bouncy house that's filled with water and soap, and the pool. Oh and your favorite...Food." She asked.

"I'm not hungry yet. So let's go to the slide first." I said. We headed towards the slide but my grandmothers stopped me. "I know you saw us sitting here looking all sexy and shit." Nana said. I laughed and walked over to them with Skylar. "Hi nana. Hi abuela." I hugged both of them. "Are you having fun?" Abuela asked. "Yes ma'am. Did mom come? Or was she too busy?" I asked. She gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry but she over booked and wasn't able to come. But she promises to make it up to you." She told me. "Of course. Well I'm glad y'all are here." I said. "Me too. Now go have fun."

When she said that we ran off to the slide before anyone else could stop us. I took off my shirt. Leaving me in my in my tank top and trunks. I saw Sky was in her two piece swimsuit. I blushed. "Race you up!" I said and quickly went up so she couldn't see it. I don't really have a lot of friends. Matter of fact my only friend is Skylar. You would think that cause I have famous parents I would be popular. But I'm not. I get bullied in school because of my dick. But that's ok. I got Skylar.

A/n~made this chapter longer for y'all since I might not be able to update at all again today. We'll see tho. But I have three birthday party's to go to. Two of my cousins but there sisters so it's together. Then my god brothers birthday party. It's a lot. Plus my friend of the month decided to pop in. Pray for me y'all.



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