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"Jailynn catch up! Why you all the way back there!" Daddy called out to my sister. "I don't know." She said and caught up to us. Today we were going to get Ice cream. Just Jailynn, daddy, and I. Mommy not cool enough. "Well come here. I want a picture with my girls." He said. When she caught up to us he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. While he held me in his other arm. He took a picture with us and then started a video.

"I got my girls with me today." He said. "Mommy cry wike a baby 'ause I said her not cool enough to come." I said to the phone. Daddy laughed and end the video. When we got to the ice cream place daddy opened the door for Jailynn to go in first. Then us next. We had to wait for a little cause there was others before us. "Welcome to Lucky Ice cream. What can I get for you?" The boy asked us. "Ice cream!" I squealed as I threw my arms up. "Well what kind would you like cutie?" He asked me.

"A 'ood one." I said making him laugh. "We got chocolate. Do you like that?" He asked and I made a face. "I no like 'hocolate." I said. "Let me guess. You like strawberry." He asked. "Yeah!" He got everyone else ice cream. Daddy paid and we went to sit down. I got mangos on top too.

"Is it good girls?" He asked. "'Es!" I said. Jailynn nodded and went back to her phone. "Jailynn what's wrong? You've been quiet lately." Daddy asked. "It's nothing." She said. "What's wrong? 'ou sad?" I asked and rubbed her head softly. "It's obviously something wrong. Just talk to me." She sighed and placed her phone down. "I feel like Y/n is taking all your attention from me. I feel like you're going to forget about me." She said.

"Jailynn that want happen. That's why I took you two out today. So I can spend time with the both of you." He told her. "Promise?" She asked. "I promise. I was just excited to have another kid." He said. "'inky promise her." I told him. He did what I said and pinky promised her. "I tell nana on 'ou. You 'eep hurting people. 'Ou need a whooping." I said. "You're always trying to get me in trouble." He said. "Cause 'Ou bad."

A/n~ Someone gave me this idea about Jailynn. But I can't remember who. Message me so I give you credit.



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