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"Y/n sweetie wake up." I heard as someone shook me awake. I groaned and pushed there hands away. "Give me like 5 minutes." I said as I slowly fell back asleep. "No get up Y/n. Your parents will be home soon and you need to get cleaned up." Katy said. "Ok fine. Where's everyone else?" I asked as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes then stretched. "Amber and Andrew had to leave. Skylar is downstairs eating breakfast. But you need to hurry. You got a good hour or two before they arrive." Katy told me.

"Alright. Let me take a shower." I told her. She nodded before leaving my room and closing the door. I sighed before getting up and going to my bathroom. Turned on the shower, stripped my clothes, and getting in. It kinda stung cause of red streaks on my thighs. But it's ok. Nothing I couldn't handle. When I finished I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I brushed my teeth then went to get dressed. Once I was ready I went down to eat.

"Hey. How'd you sleep?" Sky asked me. Katy sat a pancakes and sausage in front of me. "Ok I guess." I shrugged. "What do you mean ok?" She asked. "I didn't really sleep cause I'm nervous. I know they're going to be mad." I said. "Ok Y/n they may be upset you didn't tell them but they're more concerned about your safety." Katy said. "Yeah. I'll be here with you tho." Sky said. I nodded and pushed my food around. I didn't really have an appetite.


We were sitting in the living room waiting until... "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n baby where are you!?" I heard my mom yelled as she ran through the front door. Mom and dad ran into the living and made their way to me. Mom grabbed my face a looked at bruises, Black eye, and busted lip I had. "Baby I'm so sorry." She said as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Mom I'm fine." I said. "Why didn't you tell us? You know we would've done something." Dad asked. "Your always gone anyways so what's the point." I mumbled.

I could tell my mom was crying. "That doesn't mean we wouldn't drop what we're doing to come help you. You're my baby and I love you. I'd do anything for you." She said. I nodded. "Now I need to go make some calls to see every kids family who put their hands on you." Dad said. "Woah woah woah. Does that include me?" Sky asked. "No I meant the kids that hurt her." He said. Sky sighed in relief. Dad pulled out his phone and walked out. "Promise you won't keep anything like this from us again." Mom said as she ran her hands through my hair. "Um promise." I promised even though I wasn't being honest.

A/n~ I really want to do YouTube videos. One day.



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