36 part 2

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Dinah's POV

"Why are they so dedicated to catching us!?" Y/n asked. Yes we were still being chased. "I don't know! But I'm getting tired!" I yelled to her. These fans were really loud. Man I'm hungry. "Follow me." I heard Y/n say. We weren't even in the neighborhood anymore. She started zig zagging every where. "Why are we zig zagging?" I asked. "It helps when I'm playing Call of Duty and someone's chasing me. I thought it'll help now." She said. "Y/n watch out!" I yelled as a paparazzi jumped out in front of us. Y/n juked him like a professional football player.

Y/n and I ran into the mall. Might not be the best decision. But that's the only choice we have right now. We ran into a store. I grabbed Y/n and walked to the cashier. "Hey I'm Dinah and this is Y/n." I greeted kindly as Y/n keep a look out. "Oh my gosh! I'm a huge fan. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. Do you need any help?" The girl asked trying to calm herself down. "Your fine boo. I was just wondering if we could maybe hide somewhere in here? There's a herd of fans and paparazzi following us." I asked her.

"Yes. Of course you can. Come with me." She quickly lead us to a dressing room and unlocked it for us. You could hear fans coming. "I'll let you know when they're gone. I promise not to tell them." The girl said. "Thanks..." I trailed off. "Kacie. My names Kacie." She told me. "Thanks Kacie." I said. "No problem." She closed the door and we waited.

"I am so sexy." I heard. I turned around to see Y/n with her shirt off flexing in the mirror. "Wh- what the heck are you doing?" I asked. "What it look like. I'm checking out my masterpiece." She said. "You barely have boobs. Looks like you got stung multiple times in the same spot. Then a lump formed." I said giggling.

"So you just got jokes, huh?" She asked. She glared at me through the mirror and I nodded. "Cool. Hey fans! Din-" I covered her mouth up quickly. "Are you stupid?" I asked. "Maybe you'll think twice about making fun on my nub nubs." Y/n said. Eventually we were able to leave. I took a picture with Kacie and we left. We snuck past some that were asking around.

When we got to Skylar's house we jumped over the fence into the backyard. Since that's where they said they were. Seemed like a good idea at the moment. But it went horribly wrong real quick. "Ahhh! Dad my balls! My balls! It hurts so bad!" Y/n cried out. Somehow she got caught in the fence by her pants. Now she's hanging there. "Y/n we are going to have to cut you out, ok?" Lauren said. "What!? No! There's to many girls around." She said. "I'm sorry nugget but we got to. There's no other we can do this." She said as Ty began cutting her jeans off. This is hilarious.

A/n~ I had a dream that my mom, some random girl who claimed to be my best friend, my brother, and I were leaving. I walked out the house and there was a baby bull attacking us. It wasn't a baby but it was little like a baby. Anyways... It started coming for me so my mom grabbed it by its horns. Swung around and threw it. We quickly got in the car and started leaving. Then this midget lady came out the house cause we forgot her. So she was running to us as the baby bull chased her. We weren't driving fast. My mom said leave her but I had to save her. I opened up the back door and picked her up. Then she turned into my baby. The end.



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