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4 years later

I grabbed all the groceries out my car and made my way towards my dorm room. Humming 'that's what friends at for' by Dionne Warwick. When I got to my dorm door I knocked on it with my feet. "Amber open up!" I called out. It was hot today. I'm sure from how much I'm sweating I look like I just jumped in a pool. A few minutes later the door opened. "Oh fuck it's hot out there." She said. I quickly walked in and sat the bags in the small kitchen.

"Says the one who took fifty years to open the damn door." I said. I grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge and chugged it. "Did you go swimming or something? You're soaked." She said. "Thanks. You felt how hot it was. Imagine walking from my cold car and to here." I said. "I'm sorry. I had gotten out the shower and tried to quickly put my clothes on." She said.

"Go shower Y/n/n. I'll put the food up." She and pushed me towards my room. I like our living arrangements here. It's only Amber and I instead of like four other girls. Although it cost more. We have our own rooms with our own bathroom inside. Amber was happy about that cause she was worried I'd leave the toilet seat up. I wouldn't cause I knew how much my mom hated it but since I have my own room I do.

When I got to my room I stripped naked and grabbed my towel. My door opened and Amber peaked her head in. "Want some seafood?" She asked. "Hell Yeah. I've been craving some for a week now." I said. "Cool. I'll start making it now." Amber gave me a thumbs up before closing the door and leaving. I went to my bathroom and got in the shower. Let me fill you in on the past four years. It took about half a year till I got the feeling back in my legs. I did therapy for a few months. Graduated and went to New York University.

Amber decided to also come to the same college as me. Andrew stayed in California because of a scholarship he got. Caitlin moved during her senior year. Her family moved because they wanted to be near her grandmother that was ill. My brother started first grade this year. He was so excited about that. My parents got back together after three years of my dad working hard to win her back.

Lastly we have Skylar. She ended up moving because of her moms job. We still communicate but not in person. Just a quick happy holidays, happy birthday, or just to catch up. But that's about it. This is Amber and I second year of college. We choose to go to New York so we were away from our parents. Not really but it was some what of the reason. Didn't want our moms showing up on campus cause they miss up. They said they would so we made a quick get away.

A/n~ I changed the time skip from two years to four.


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